Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

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  • Joe M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1990
    • 1337

    Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

    I installed a 2 candle power (cp) #57 bulb and it started out blinking bright and quickly faded to a dull glow. I went to NAPA and O'Reilly's Parts and the #90 bulbs are 50% larger than the original #90. The #90 is a 6 cp bulb. I believe the alarm system needs the 6 cp to operate correctly.

    Any source(s) of correct size #90 bulbs?
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

    Check with Pete Lindahl. He may have one for you.


    • Dennis C.
      Very Frequent User
      • June 30, 2002
      • 882

      Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

      Vettegal has them.


      • Joe M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 30, 1990
        • 1337

        Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

        Thanks for the info Dennis. I asked Pete in Kissimmee and he did not have them; will check Vette Gal.


        • John D.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • November 30, 1979
          • 5507

          Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

          Joe, First time my 63 was judged I got dinged for the large #90 bulb. The little bulbs don't throw off much light but that's what you need for judging.
          Who is Vette Gal? John


          • Ruedi K.
            Very Frequent User
            • December 11, 2011
            • 242

            Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

            Vette Gal is Mary Jo Rohner


            • Joe M.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • April 30, 1990
              • 1337

              Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

              The correct #90 bulb is the same size as a dash bulb for a C1, but it is 6 candle power; dash bulbs are 1-2 candle power. #90 was also used in the dome lights on Chevy passenger cars and the Vette courtesy light.


              • Richard M.
                Super Moderator
                • August 31, 1988
                • 11249

                Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                Joe, Do you have the correct TungSol flasher? On my '59, the light comes on solid for a few seconds, then begins to flash the bulb.

                SW2.jpg TS642_5.jpg TS642_1.jpg


                • Dick W.
                  Former NCRS Director Region IV
                  • June 30, 1985
                  • 10483

                  Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                  If you cannot find the correct configured bulb, here is another old Indian trick (some call it cheating ). Get the amperage draw from the bulb specifications, get the amperage draw for the bulb you are using. Find someone that is good at electronics and let them tell you what resistor you need to make the flasher think the higher amperage bulb is installed. Install the resistor inline (concealed) on the + side of the bulb, voila, you have a flashing bulb!
                  Dick Whittington


                  • Richard M.
                    Super Moderator
                    • August 31, 1988
                    • 11249

                    Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                    Joe, Page 46 of this pdf from the GM Heritage site says the Park Brake Alarm is a #53 bulb, as is the High Beam indicator. The #90 is the Courtesy light bulb with 2 base contacts.

                    GM Heritage is committed to preserving the rich history of General Motors brands while providing a foundation for continued innovation into the future.


                    • Dick W.
                      Former NCRS Director Region IV
                      • June 30, 1985
                      • 10483

                      Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                      Originally posted by Richard Mozzetta (13499)
                      Joe, Page 46 of this pdf from the GM Heritage site says the Park Brake Alarm is a #53 bulb, as is the High Beam indicator. The #90 is the Courtesy light bulb with 2 base contacts.

                      Yo' be right Rich. I think the confusion comes from the Sylvania catalog (and I would assume others) incorrectly call for the #90 bulb
                      Dick Whittington


                      • Richard M.
                        Super Moderator
                        • August 31, 1988
                        • 11249

                        Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                        Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
                        Yo' be right Rich. I think the confusion comes from the Sylvania catalog (and I would assume others) incorrectly call for the #90 bulb
                        Good catch Dick.....I was wondering where that #90 reference came from. It'll never fit in the single contact socket for those applications. It's too big.

                        It's amazing how all these "little things" can be so much of a PITA.

                        I see on the Sylvania website it calls out the #90 for the Brake Warning lamp in error. S/B #53.

                        Here is the spec for the #53 bulb.....
                        SYLVANIA is the leading automotive lighting supplier, providing high performance lighting products. Use our bulb replacement guide to find the right bulb that fits your vehicle.

                        And the #57 spec here....(for other dash bulbs)
                        SYLVANIA is the leading automotive lighting supplier, providing high performance lighting products. Use our bulb replacement guide to find the right bulb that fits your vehicle.

                        Joe, Try the #53 that may be in the HB indicator socket in your EB flasher to see if it works better.



                        • Jim D.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • June 30, 1985
                          • 2882

                          Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                          Originally posted by Richard Mozzetta (13499)
                          Joe, Do you have the correct TungSol flasher? On my '59, the light comes on solid for a few seconds, then begins to flash the bulb.

                          [ATTACH=CONFIG]44504[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]44505[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]44506[/ATTACH]
                          Good question. The 55-57 cars used a #650 flasher that required a #90 bulb. He should have a #642 flasher and that requires a #57 bulb to be used.


                          • Joe M.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • April 30, 1990
                            • 1337

                            Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                            I am getting my info from the 1960 Operators Manual. It lists a #90 bulb for the parking brake alarm. I do have the Tung-Sol 642 flasher.


                            • Richard M.
                              Super Moderator
                              • August 31, 1988
                              • 11249

                              Re: Can't Find #90 Bulb for Parking Brake Alarm-1960

                              Originally posted by Joe Maulsby (17166)
                              I am getting my info from the 1960 Operators Manual. It lists a #90 bulb for the parking brake alarm. I do have the Tung-Sol 642 flasher.
                              Joe, That must be a error in the OM book. The #90 cannot fit. Jim, in the previous post says the 56-57 uses the 90. It's a much bigger socket with the 2 contacts IIRC.

                              The GM spec says it's a #53 for 1960.


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