Correct 70 350 hp 1100990 alternator?

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  • Bill L.
    • February 1, 2004
    • 1403

    Re: Correct 70 350 hp 1100990 alternator?

    Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
    Cold-heading bolts really beats hell out of the heading die that contains the headmark, and they were changed regularly for maintenance or replacement; it wouldn't be unusual for those heading dies to have several sllght variations in the headmark portion. A cold-header or Fourslides machine runs so fast you have to use a high-speed industrial camera to monitor its operation.
    Hi John,

    Are saying that the picture I posted may be a legitimate and correct bolt? What other head marks might be correct for a June built 70?




    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: Correct 70 350 hp 1100990 alternator?

      Originally posted by Bill Lennox (41387)
      Hi John,

      Are saying that the picture I posted may be a legitimate and correct bolt? What other head marks might be correct for a June built 70?


      Bill -

      I don't know, but I DO know that when you're cold-heading 600 bolts per minute and making regular heading die changes, they aren't always all the same impression; it's naive to assume that every single bolt that came in a Rockford (or any other manufacturer) box over a period of several years had EXACTLY the same headmark. They weren't like minted coins.


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