68 oil pressure line & bracket question

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  • Robert M.
    Frequent User
    • January 1, 1992
    • 77

    68 oil pressure line & bracket question

    Looking thru the new 68 Judging manaul and it says the oil pressure line is natural steel and it is attached to the engine block by a bracket,I looked at the assembly manual and it calls out the oil line bracket part # 3784832, does anyone know where this bracket can be purchased, is there a coil in the oil line like the mid-years have and the vendors I checked only show a copper plated steel line, is this correct. my car is a early L-71.
    Thanks, Bob
  • Dale C.
    • November 1, 1999
    • 844

    Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

    The 68 L71 is called the same as the L36 per AIM but there was a thread in the past that said this depiction was just incorrect. There will be some stong dissension here as to what was correct. The SB 68 and 69 oil pressure pipe and routing were the same but there was a big difference in the plumbing on the BB from 68 to 69. Over the years this difference could have muddled the picture. There also has been disagreement as to composition, black plastic or copper lines and when/what the change. The oil tube or line PN was different for all: BB, SB and BB 68 and BB 69 so the material could have been different. Maybe we can see some good discussion on this. That 832 clip changed to a bracket in 69 #3954228 and the line was all different so watch the parts you get close. It certainly would help to know what to look for though.


    • Dale C.
      • November 1, 1999
      • 844

      Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

      In the 68 AIM on L36 A5, that "T" (#94009943, which was in question) would certainly aid in making a 90 degree turn off the block for a hard tube made of copper. Also, why the "T" and where did that connector end on the"T" go? You would think if the line were the black plastic it could change routing easier and then not need that 90 degree T. Maybe that's the why the 45 fitting is used in 69.


      • John C.
        • January 1, 2005
        • 616

        Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question


        As Dale said there is some disagreement on what is correct for 68 BB cars. I'm the main objector to what the JG states. The below linked thread pretty much spells out the disagreement.

        What did your car have on it when you bought it?



        • Dale C.
          • November 1, 1999
          • 844

          Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

          And as Duke said the copper lines were not copper but steel covered to look like a copper line. Why that who knows? Never copper lines.


          • Dale C.
            • November 1, 1999
            • 844

            Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

            Hate to throw a monkey wrench into this but.... the 68 AIM, L36 A5 agrees with the JM in that the single pipe #3923973 is said to run from block through a clip 3784832 and on to, I would assume, the oil pressure guage. Here is the glitch, the JM says in 69 the line is steel tubing running from the block fitting to the bracket #3954228 (which is different form the 68 clip) and from that bracket on it's the black plastic tubing. The 69 AIM, L36 A5, states that item #6 (pipe #3961560) runs to the bracket and then it's #6 again after the bracket to the guage. Somebody is wrong here. AIM or JM??? Looks like we need some more input here before anyone can state an empirical.


            • Dale C.
              • November 1, 1999
              • 844

              Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

              Then look at parts. Won't go there but all 68 to 72 (in 71 parts book) are listed as #3906192, a black nylon tube 1/8 O.D.


              • Robert M.
                Frequent User
                • January 1, 1992
                • 77

                Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

                Hi John;
                My 68 L71 November build had the black plastic line, no bracket on the engine block.


                • John C.
                  • January 1, 2005
                  • 616

                  Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question


                  I think the black plastic line is probably original. I wouldn't change it.

                  My April built car had the bracket. Calling it a bracket seems to me to be an overstatement, as it is just a c-clip. If your engine has ever been rebuilt or had head work there is a very good chance the clip got lost during the work. This is how I lost my original.

                  The only question left in my mind on the configuration of the 68 BB is on how the oil line attached to the block. I have seen cars where it went straight into the block and others that used a 45 degree tee at the block. What do you have? It may be related to if the car has a solid or hydraulic lifter cam.



                  • Robert M.
                    Frequent User
                    • January 1, 1992
                    • 77

                    Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

                    I'll check and post back, is the c-clip available somewhere or can I fabricate one. Wouild you happen to have a picture of it?


                    • John C.
                      • January 1, 2005
                      • 616

                      Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question


                      I never photographed the original before I lost it.

                      I did find a similar c-clip on a 1967 head that I bought. I've attached a photo of it. I thought my original had the end of the clip covered in rubber/plastic, but my memory is a little vague in this regard and I could be completely wrong with that.

                      If anyone else out there has a picture of a known original oil line clip I'd love to see it.

                      Also the AIM is confusing on how the clip was attached. It makes it look as if it used the exhaust manifold bolt. This is incorrect. It has it's own bolt and uses a different tapped hole in the head.

                      Attached Files


                      • John H.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • December 1, 1997
                        • 16513

                        Re: 68 oil pressure line & bracket question

                        Just for reference, here's what the '69 Camaro big-block oil pressure line setup looked like; the bolt that secured the "L"-bracket was not an exhaust manifold bolt.



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