283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed - NCRS Discussion Boards

283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 2003
    • 829

    283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

    Hi all,

    I don't have a car with the high-HP harmonic balancer on it as used for the mech cam 2x4 and fuelie 283's, 59-61. I just bought a reproduction one and the back is flat and I want to see if someone has a good pic of the back of one (front, too) before I send it back.


  • Al R.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 30, 1988
    • 687

    Re: 283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

    Just curious, why buy it if you don't have a car with the 270-290 HP engine?


    • James A.
      Frequent User
      • July 31, 2003
      • 36

      Re: 283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

      Bob, These photos are of a 1960 290hp balancer.
      100_3297 (Medium).jpg100_3294 (Medium).jpg100_3295 (Medium).jpg100_3296 (Medium).jpg


      • Donald H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 1, 2009
        • 2569

        Re: 283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

        Just a warning about the reproduction ones. I bought one from Paragon, what they sell as the replacement for the high HP balancer. It cracked along the key way when we installed it. We DID NOT pound it on the crank. I was for a 283 but I had the crank tapped for the retainer bolt and we used the bolt hold to 'pull' the balancer on.
        Don Harris
        Current: 67 convertible Marina Blue L79
        Former: 60 Red/Red, 2x4, 245hp (Regional and National Top Flight 2013), 66 coupe Nassau Blue, L79 (Chapter and Regional Top Flight 2017)


        • Loren L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 30, 1976
          • 4104

          Re: 283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

          Originally posted by Donald Harris (51003)
          Just a warning about the reproduction ones. I bought one from Paragon, what they sell as the replacement for the high HP balancer. It cracked along the key way when we installed it. We DID NOT pound it on the crank. I was for a 283 but I had the crank tapped for the retainer bolt and we used the bolt hold to 'pull' the balancer on.
          Just as well, because it was the wrong size and configuration, apparently courtesy Goat Hill Classics. supplier.


          • Bob B.
            Very Frequent User
            • February 28, 2003
            • 829

            Re: 283 High-Horsepower Harmonic Balancer Pic Needed

            Hi all,

            Thanks for everyone's responses!

            Al, I'm restoring a '57 Corvette that raced with the high-HP engine in the mid-60's, so I'm assembling the engine components that I need to restore it to as-raced condition. Pic attached.

            Attached Files


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