"72 duct - NCRS Discussion Boards

"72 duct

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  • Tom L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 17, 2006
    • 1438

    "72 duct

    Just bought a drivers side duct for my '72 w/ A/C (PN 3949987). The bolt that secures it to the lower dash is long gone. Anyone know what size/thread/configuration it is?? Also, would this be a judged item?? As always, thanks!!
  • Bill C.
    • July 15, 2007
    • 904

    Re: "72 duct


    from what I remember it was a philips head sheet metal type screw.
    Mine seemed to be phosphated but it was kind of hard to tell exactly.
    I do not remember there being any kind of washer attached.


    • Randy C.
      • February 28, 1985
      • 154

      Re: "72 duct

      0119131928.jpgI have a '71 so I pulled out my assembly manual and the part number for driver side A/C duct in '71 is the same for your '72. The part number for the screw in '71 is 9419303. If it's the same for your '72, I'm showing that fastener as a 10-16 X 1/2" long, with a 5/16" hex washer head, the outside diameter of the washer part being .4". I'm thinking that screw would have a phosphate & oil (gray-black) finish. The AMK catalog shows that screw as also coming in a zinc (dark silver) finish but I'm pretty sure for under the dash that gray-black would be the finish. I've attached a picture of the 9419303 fastener out of the AMK catalog.

      Randy C.


      • Tom L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • October 17, 2006
        • 1438

        Re: "72 duct

        Thanks! I may have one of those around. I'll have to see.


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