With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling? - NCRS Discussion Boards

With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

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  • Loren L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1976
    • 4104

    Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

    I think they should be ranked 1st through 7th. (WHO CARES?)


    • Phil D.
      • January 16, 2008
      • 206

      Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

      Can't say I don't like any, but I do have preferences. I will have to reserve ranking on C7 until I see one in person, but by the pictures, I think I may like it better than the last three generations. I'll have to divide the C1 and C3 into their sub-generations (denoted a,b & c). So for your pole, 3(a),3(b),1(a),1(c),1(b),2,3(c),4,6,5. Hmmm. I just realized that I ranked all the years where the coupes had bubble rear glass the lowest. Must have something subconscious against bubble glass. That's just going by styling. If you want to talk technology, then obviously the newer models move up in the ranking and my lovely c3 bodies suffer from government meddling.


      • William M.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 31, 1993
        • 390

        Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

        C7 on order to go with my 63 and 73
        1973 LS4 coupe. Dark Blue / Black. Turbo Hydra-Matic, PW, PB, PS, Rear Defog, Tilt/Tele, AC, Map Lamp, AM/FM.
        Top Flight Chapter 2008, Regional 2009, National 2010
        NCRS Gallery IX Corvettes @ Carlisle 2009
        Bloomington Gold 2011
        Corvette Magazine 9/11
        Corvette 68-82 Restoration Guide 2nd Ed

        1963 L75 coupe. Daytona Blue / Dark Blue. Powerglide, Posi, AM/FM Radio.
        Top Flight Chapter 2011, National 2013
        Bloomington Gold 2013
        Corvette Magazine 3/13
        50th Anniv Display Corvettes @ Carlisle 2013


        • John L.
          • February 28, 2005
          • 8

          Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

          They made Corvettes after 1967!!???


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