With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling? - NCRS Discussion Boards

With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

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  • Claus S.
    • December 29, 2010
    • 414

    Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

    Here is how i rank the different generations of the Corvettes:
    Number 1 is the C2 generation(i have always liked the C2 best. Even since i was a little boy)
    Number 2 is the C3 generation(this is the chrome bumpers from 1968-72)
    Number 3 is the C1 generation
    Number 4 is the C7 generation
    Number 5 is the C5 generation
    Number 6 is the C6 generation
    Number 7 is the C4 generation


    • Kevin S.
      Frequent User
      • April 6, 2010
      • 64

      Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

      Here is my ranking:


      They all have something great about them - I would like to have one of each ....
      NCRS 51633


      • Jack H.
        Very Frequent User
        • March 31, 2000
        • 477

        Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

        Originally posted by Lawrence Maher (10731)
        To paraphrase a t-shirt from a number of years ago, 'Sure, they made a Corvette before '68, but who cares?'
        Did you mean AFTER?

        Actually the one I remember said "Sure they made a Corvette after 1967, but who really cares?" and "Chevrolet stopped making REAL Corvettes in 1967"

        2 (1967), 2 (Non-1967), 1 (Later), 1 (Earlier), 3 (Earlier), 3 (Later), 7, 6, 5, 4

        So either give me an early classic model or give me the newest you got.


        • George C.
          • November 30, 1988
          • 583

          Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

          C2/c7/c5/c3/c6/c1/c4 .


          • Claus S.
            • December 29, 2010
            • 414

            Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

            The best looking Corvette is the one on the picture
            This is as mean as they come


            • Bill H.
              • August 8, 2011
              • 439

              Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

              C2 (67) - c5r ...................


              • Gene M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 31, 1985
                • 4232

                Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
                c-1 then c-2 then they quit making corvettes, didn't they? i'm gonna get bashed for this one. regards to all corvette owners. mike
                That's the way I understand it............ All the fifties and sixties no particular order


                • Joseph K.
                  • August 26, 2008
                  • 407

                  Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                  C7, c5, c3, c6, c2, c4, c1


                  • Paul J.
                    • September 9, 2008
                    • 2091

                    Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                    Originally posted by Robert Nalesnik (54047)
                    Without splitting hairs early/late, chrome bumper etc. my ranking of each generation's styling:


                    What is yours?
                    You can't be this general. C1's had four different body styles and were not the same underneath. The live axle, frame, and drum brakes are the only things that are similar about 53's and 62's, and the design of those things are different. These should be different models, just as the C2's and C3's are. 56/57 is my favorite style of all, but you can keep the 61/62.

                    For your survey, C1 (as qualified above)/2/3/6/5/7/4


                    • Larry M.
                      • November 30, 1986
                      • 541

                      Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                      Originally posted by Jack Hengehold (33879)
                      Did you mean AFTER?

                      Actually the one I remember said "Sure they made a Corvette after 1967, but who really cares?" and "Chevrolet stopped making REAL Corvettes in 1967"

                      2 (1967), 2 (Non-1967), 1 (Later), 1 (Earlier), 3 (Earlier), 3 (Later), 7, 6, 5, 4

                      So either give me an early classic model or give me the newest you got.

                      Your recollection of the t-shirt is correct, and matches my recollection.

                      But as I said, I'm paraphrasing. 'After' was my word of choice.



                      • Steven B.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • June 30, 1982
                        • 3949

                        Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                        Originally posted by George Williams (30785)
                        I'm sorta with Mike (post #7); scary when Mike's right, ha ha. I rank them; 2,1,3, whatever...old guys think alike.
                        George, I guess because we were all fortunate to have the same or similar automotive experiences. Steve


                        • Jack H.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • March 31, 2000
                          • 477

                          Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                          Originally posted by Lawrence Maher (10731)

                          Your recollection of the t-shirt is correct, and matches my recollection.

                          But as I said, I'm paraphrasing. 'After' was my word of choice.

                          Ah, you outsmarted me!


                          • Geary T.
                            Infrequent User
                            • July 31, 1974
                            • 19

                            Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                            I never met a Corvette I didn't like


                            • Art B.
                              • July 31, 1989
                              • 333

                              Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?


                              I am also a member of SACC. I have a T-shirt that says: "Real Corvettes Have Solid Axles."


                              • Frank E.
                                Very Frequent User
                                • May 31, 1986
                                • 189

                                Re: With C7 out, how do you rank each generation's styling?

                                I guess I'd have to say 2135476

                                1966 Milano Maroon Roadster
                                2004 CE Z06


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