63 fuel unit serial #

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  • Robert B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1992
    • 260

    63 fuel unit serial #

    What is the serial # relationship to the vin #.
  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

    None directly, although later build cars tend to have higher serial number units. There is an old owners survey in Noland Adams book that might be of some help, if you have an early car, the later units hadn't been built, but it is not an exact science.
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Patrick S.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 1988
      • 209

      Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

      It would be nice to have a data base built that shows this relationship for all of the years. I bet there is a lot of data out there. I keep asking an some day we can put it together. I am particulaly interested in 62.


      • Mike E.
        Very Frequent User
        • June 25, 2012
        • 920

        Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

        Originally posted by Patrick Slosek (12382)
        It would be nice to have a data base built that shows this relationship for all of the years. I bet there is a lot of data out there. I keep asking an some day we can put it together. I am particulaly interested in 62.


        • Robert B.
          Very Frequent User
          • March 1, 1992
          • 260

          Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

          sounds like an impossible task. when will Gm ever release any records ?


          • Robert B.
            Very Frequent User
            • March 1, 1992
            • 260

            Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

            Originally posted by William Clupper (618)
            None directly, although later build cars tend to have higher serial number units. There is an old owners survey in Noland Adams book that might be of some help, if you have an early car, the later units hadn't been built, but it is not an exact science.
            just pulled out my book from the attic,its been awhile since I opened it thanks for the reminder.


            • John D.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • December 1, 1979
              • 5507

              Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

              Robert, Tell us your engine build date. Or at least the date your car was built. Also if you FI unit has a tag on it let us know what is on the tag. 701375 then the serial number of the unit. 63's are tough as so many variations.


              • John D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • December 1, 1979
                • 5507

                Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                Robert, Probably never on your GM question. As far as keeping track of all the FI's the serial numbers that too is quite an impossible task and one that would take a lifetime to pull off. Sorry to give you negatives.
                The serial number of the units versus the serial number of the car is not an exact science. If you refer to Noland Adams survey (done in the early 80's) you might even be more confused. Unit numbers are all over the board. But if you can read between the lines you will notice a gradual increase in the serial numbers.
                Problem in the old days was the dealers had no clue on how to repair the units so they just slapped another one on.
                With so many people making ID tags over the years that also has put a wrench into figuring the situation out.
                But if you can provide more info on your car and FI unit the gang here should be able to give you a rangeon what the tag on your unit should be. Pictures would help also. Thanks, John


                • Robert B.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • March 1, 1992
                  • 260

                  Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                  nov 13 62 build date 2307 serial # on the fuel unit


                  • Dan D.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • November 5, 2008
                    • 1323

                    Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                    I have a 63 fuel unit I bought from an individual in 1970. It was not installed on a car. It could be a service unit but I have no way of knowing for sure. But, FWIW, the adapter plate is dated 9-20-62 and the serial# is #2525.

                    As purchased (for $160), unit is 7017375, Plenum 7017231, AM 7017248, FM 7017277, adapter 3826810, distributor 022 with 734 point cam, #37 weights dated 2L12, and 201 vacuum canister. As purchased the nozzles were carbonized very badly and the 327 solid lifter 10.25 compression engine I installed it on ran terrible, which could explain why it was removed. In fact it would barely run at all. All I did is clean the nozzles - did not touch anything else or make any adjustments, and the engine ran incredible well with all kinds of power. No hesitation or stumble, did not appear to run rich or lean - just perfect.



                    • John D.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • December 1, 1979
                      • 5507

                      Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                      Originally posted by Robert Boutot (20759)
                      nov 13 62 build date 2307 serial # on the fuel unit
                      Robert, Since you have a rather early 63 the FI unit for your car would have recessed nozzle blocks. Look in Nolands book and you will see some fine photos showing the FI unit your car should have.
                      The 2307 FI unit is too late for your car. Now if you are not going to be chasing the points then it will work out OK.
                      The big difference in the Nov 13 FI and the one you have is the plenum (center section) is different.
                      Other differences are very minor.
                      One might expect 2307 to appear on a March or so car, but definitely not a Nov 13th car. The FI unit you need would have no chrome at all except for the plenum lid flag. The forward balance tubes would be cad plated. The fuel lines going to the engine fuel pump would be bare. The fuel filter bracket would be zincad also.
                      So it's not a simple matter of changing ID tags. Choke tube is bare, etc.
                      But don't let this discourage you. Just keep on plugging away. I have a 63 FI car known as the LWC (little white car). Sadly neglected right now but before summer hits I plan on having it back together and running. You see I don't practice what I preach. Nothing worse for a fuel car that lining it up in a huge collection of cars or just letting it sit period. They go to pot quickly. John


                      • Michael G.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • November 12, 2008
                        • 2141

                        Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                        Here is a graph showing the "normal" relationship between the FI unit and the vehicle number on the first half of 63 production. Note that if you plot your unit number against vehicle number on this graph, the new point should lie very near the line or below it. If the point is above the line by more than 100 units or so, you probably don't have the original unit.

                        Last edited by Michael G.; January 7, 2013, 03:46 PM.

                        1965 Black Ext / Silver Int. Coupe, L84 Duntov, French Lick, 2023 - Triple Diamond
                        1965 Red Ext / White & Red Int. Conv. - 327/250 AC Regional Top Flight.


                        • Patrick S.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • January 1, 1988
                          • 209

                          Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                          The graph for the 63's also works fairly well for 62's ( from the data I have).


                          • Mike E.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • June 25, 2012
                            • 920

                            Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                            Originally posted by Patrick Slosek (12382)
                            The graph for the 63's also works fairly well for 62's ( from the data I have).
                            I would think the '65 graph would be non-linear as the L78's came online.

                            Last edited by Mike E.; January 7, 2013, 03:56 PM.


                            • Michael G.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • November 12, 2008
                              • 2141

                              Re: 63 fuel unit serial #

                              For those of you who wish to check your unit, here is an equation:

                              FI Unit Number = (.179 * car#) + 976.

                              This should be within a few units, certainly within 100 of the correct number, although some cars probably got repaired units at St Louis which would mean their number could be much lower.

                              So for my car, 3922, it calculates thusly: FI Unit Number = (.179) (3922) + 976. This equals FI unit #1678.

                              My FI unit is actually #1567, a number which could easily have still been in the plant on November 28, as it should have been installed on November 13, two weeks before my build. As a matter of fact it should have been on car 3301, which was built the same day as yours, I think, Robert!!!!!!

                              Your FI unit should have been on a January 23 built car, # 7435 or so. Find me #1678, and my #1567 is yours, Robert
                              Last edited by Michael G.; January 7, 2013, 05:12 PM.

                              1965 Black Ext / Silver Int. Coupe, L84 Duntov, French Lick, 2023 - Triple Diamond
                              1965 Red Ext / White & Red Int. Conv. - 327/250 AC Regional Top Flight.


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