69 head rest wont stay up

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  • Gary H.
    • June 9, 2008
    • 308

    69 head rest wont stay up

    More pv questions...

    The driver side head rest on my 69 will stay at the top position, but wont really stay at any of the position in between the top and bottom. The passenger side is much more stiff and will stay in any spot.

    How can this be adjusted?
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: 69 head rest wont stay up

    Originally posted by Gary Haftel (49128)
    More pv questions...

    The driver side head rest on my 69 will stay at the top position, but wont really stay at any of the position in between the top and bottom. The passenger side is much more stiff and will stay in any spot.

    How can this be adjusted?

    I've never had this problem on my original-owner 1969 because I have never had the headrests in any position other than the lowest (as the car was delivered). However, if I had the problem, I'd remove the seat back and investigate the headrest post "stop" mechanism to see if there was wear or broken parts. I think the problem will be fairly easy to discern if you do this.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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