1955 Ignition Shielding tags and decals - NCRS Discussion Boards

1955 Ignition Shielding tags and decals

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  • Troy P.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 31, 1989
    • 1279

    1955 Ignition Shielding tags and decals

    I know the early 55's had Hallett Mgf. Co. brass tags on the distributor and coil covers. I don't know when that stopped. Anyone have any info on that timing?Tags 012 (Small).jpgPhinney 55 179 (Small).jpgPhinney 55 181 (Small).jpg

    Often I hear rumors that the brass tags were replaced with a decal but I've never seen an original decal and suspect there wasn't one. My guess is Chevy had Hallett take the brass tags off because they did not want such a blatent advertisement for a parts supplier. If so it is quite unlikely that Chevy would have allowed it to be replaced by a decal with similar information. Anyone have any info to share on this or a photo of such a decal?

    BTW, excuse me if I mentioned this before, Hallett made radio shielding in WWII for communications radios in Jeeps. It was made out of thick plates of aluminum. So it would appear that Chevy chose Hallett as a supplier because of their past experience in shielding radios from ignition noise.
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