1966 Knock Off Wheel Brushed Cones: Original vs. Reproductions

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  • Matthew G.
    Infrequent User
    • October 14, 2012
    • 24

    1966 Knock Off Wheel Brushed Cones: Original vs. Reproductions

    Guys, I'm having a hard time finding an original set of 66 brushed cones. Can anyone share their expertise on what the differences are from the reproductions? Is it minimal enough to go ahead with reproductions? If so, Is there a better reproduction?
  • Rob M.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 2003
    • 656

    Re: 1966 Knock Off Wheel Brushed Cones: Original vs. Reproductions

    Originally posted by Matthew Guinan (55559)
    Guys, I'm having a hard time finding an original set of 66 brushed cones. Can anyone share their expertise on what the differences are from the reproductions? Is it minimal enough to go ahead with reproductions? If so, Is there a better reproduction?

    I have no experience with repro vs. original cones - sorry. But, I know someone on the TDB could help. So, let's bump you back up.

    '66 327/300 Regional Top Flt
    '08 6 speed coupe


    • Wayne M.
      • March 1, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: 1966 Knock Off Wheel Brushed Cones: Original vs. Reproductions

      Here's an original on a Feb '66 KO; cone never been removed. This pic taken in May of 2008, and, IIRC, we were discussing a similar topic at this time.

      Believe orig. vs. (then) repops had to do with the radius of the lip at the opening (almost flat vs. more rounded) and detectable at the gap between spinner and cone when installed.

      Another feature is the distance between the skirt of the cone and the beginning of the fins. Seems some repo's sit lower (or higher ?).

      ---------------------- P.S. look down at "similar threads" below, and you will find a May 25th 2008 thread, where the experts state the features of repro versus original.
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