Emergency Key and Notice

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  • James W.
    • December 1, 1986
    • 278

    Emergency Key and Notice

    In having my 90 ZR-1judged I was pinged for not having the Emergency Key Notice Sheet. I've never seen one and there's no picture in the manual. Anyone have a good picture of one?

    Happy Thanksgiving

  • John M.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 1, 1990
    • 188

    Re: Emergency Key and Notice

    Jim: I am attaching 3 jpeg photos to help you with the Emergency Key information. One photo is the letter, the second is the front side of the credit card key holder and key with key card. The second photo is the back side of the credit card & Key and key card. I hope this helps. Joh Emergency Key Back.jpgEmergency Key Front.jpgEmergency Key Letter.jpg


    • Ed H.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 1, 1999
      • 626

      Re: Emergency Key and Notice

      John & Jim, I do not have these items in my 93 ZR-1 kit bag. Can you tell me if they came in some years and not others. My 90 L98 had everything except the items you photographed. I have all of the items listed in the JRM. If I need them for interior judging I will have to go on one of my many investigations and hunting expeditions, but it is fun. I will check with Tom Barr & Al Tremain for more info.


      • John M.
        Very Frequent User
        • June 1, 1990
        • 188

        Re: Emergency Key and Notice

        Ed - I'm pretty sure your 90 should have these items. I believe these items are listed in the 90 JRM. If you look on page 57 of your 92 - 93 JRM you will see the emergency key & key notice sheet listed. Turn to page 62 of your 92 - 93 JRM and you will see these items are listed for the 92 ZR1 but not listed for the 93 ZR1. Jim is asking about his 90 and I'm pretty sure his 90 JRM lists these items. I think you can get these items from the vendor in Florida we previusly talked about. You are correct, the hunt is fun. Let me know what Tom & Allen indicate, I am curious. John


        • Ed H.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 1, 1999
          • 626

          Re: Emergency Key and Notice

          John you are right, the letter has to have the 1990 reference, black bag, and blank key. Oops missed that one, I will call our Fla. and Colorado friends.


          • James W.
            • December 1, 1986
            • 278

            Re: Emergency Key and Notice


            Thanks for the photos. I'm not sure where I can get those! Ed, these are listed in the 90/91 manual for the ZR-1. I thought I had the full-meal-deal, but I guess not. If anyone has a lead on these, please let me know



            • Pat F.
              Very Frequent User
              • April 1, 1981
              • 850

              Re: Emergency Key and Notice

              John, thanks for the photos. I am adding them to the collection of information I have on Emergency and Courtesy Keys that came with the new Corvette and that were sent to the owner after the purchase.

              Pat F.
              PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


              • Ed H.
                Very Frequent User
                • November 1, 1999
                • 626

                Re: Emergency Key and Notice

                Jim, If I am sucessful with my contact I will ask for you also. I will find out if there is any difference between your ZR and my L98. Wish me luck.



                • James W.
                  • December 1, 1986
                  • 278

                  Re: Emergency Key and Notice

                  So, if this was delivered to the owner after purchase, why is it judged?



                  • Ed H.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • November 1, 1999
                    • 626

                    Re: Emergency Key and Notice

                    Jim, you have to ask Glorie Mcnay she is the interior guru, and knows these C-4's more than anyone I know. I guess I was lucky with my 93 ZR-1, it was not required. There was a letter sent to the original owner, which he passed onto me. The letter makes reference to the 1993 40th Anniversary Corvette, but does not indicate a ZR-1. It is signed by J.C. Perkins, Gen. Mgr. Chev. Mtr. Div. The letter indicates as part of the letterhead, Office of the General Manager, and at top is stamped markings, bearing the Bowtie and GM logos. There was no mention of keys, but a mention of the "1993 Coevette Owners Video" is made. The letter starts out "Welcome to the Club!"


                    • Pat F.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • April 1, 1981
                      • 850

                      Re: Emergency Key and Notice

                      Folks, I will limit this to the 94-96 Courtesy Key, which I believe replaced the emergency key.
                      The 94-96 Judging Manual calls for an Emergency Key in the Center Console Section. This is one of the items under review by Tom Barr.
                      I am attaching photos of the Courtesy Key and the manner in which GM sent it to the original purchaser after delivery was taken.

                      I am not the original owner of my Corvette, but the original owner has provided me with all the documentation he obtained when he purchased his Corvette and he advised that the Courtesy Key came with the Roadside assistance letter, which also had two roadside assistance cards. This is another item under review as the 94-96 Judging Manual calls for a Roadside assistance brochure.

                      If this item was sent to the original owner after purchase, it is my understanding that it should not be a judged item. However, this is not my call as this information has been forwarded to Tom Barr for his review.

                      If I am wrong in this, please let me know.


                      Pat F.
                      Attached Files
                      PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


                      • Pat F.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • April 1, 1981
                        • 850

                        Re: Emergency Key and Notice

                        Folks, the letter Ed is referring to is contained in the video that comes with the 93-96 Corvette. It tells you about the Corvette. There was also a similar letter to the dealer which advises him of where to place the video. There were additional inserts in the video sleeve.

                        Pat F
                        Attached Files
                        PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


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