Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction - NCRS Discussion Boards

Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

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  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

    I saw a pickup from Illinois the other day with a bumper sticker that said, "Our Governors Really Care - They Make Our Plates!"


    • Larry E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 30, 1989
      • 1635

      Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

      Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
      I guess I missed the conviction. This was the first item on a search for "10 District for House of Rep. for Illinois." I don't recall either of these guys being convicted of much of anything, and as hotly contested as that race was it surely would have come up.

      Larry, don't misunderstand me. There were a couple of guys who won election in the last go around who probably should not have, but none of them were convicted -- in one case he was indited and in the other he was, as they say, "under a cloud." Without defending those guys, I will remind you that our legal system is that the person is innocent until proven guilty. That, thankfully, is the rules, and has been for some time. It prevents rumor in innuendo from damaging a person's reputation without grounds. On the other hand if the timing of all those events is maneuvered around an election, as it was in the case of the last governor to go to jail, it makes the whole system suspect.

      We probably should be careful as we have dragged this thread off topic and we are in danger of becoming too political. Perhaps one or both of these guys own a Corvette.
      Terry: Just a quick note; you pulled up the US Rep District 10--I indicated District 10 for Illinois State House--Thanks for your input--Larry
      Candidate in question won by 63% after being expelled from Illinois House last year.FYI

      LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • September 30, 1980
        • 15543

        Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

        Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
        Terry: Just a quick note; you pulled up the US Rep District 10--I indicated District 10 for Illinois State House--Thanks for your input--Larry
        Candidate in question won by 63% after being expelled from Illinois House last year.FYI
        I just copied your description into Google. I now know who you are talking about, but he has been indited, but not yet tried or convicted. He still fits my earlier statement. Remember the people get the kind of government they choose -- or at least that is the theory.


        • Terry M.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • September 30, 1980
          • 15543

          Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

          Originally posted by George Williams (30785)
          Let us not forget Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. and his legacy in Chicago and Congress. Now that he is out of office, maybe they can replace him with dear ole dad...
          I know you down state Democrats are bothered by JJJr, but he has not yet been charged, indited nor tried -- at least not in a court of law -- only in the press.


          • Terry M.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • September 30, 1980
            • 15543

            Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

            Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
            I saw a pickup from Illinois the other day with a bumper sticker that said, "Our Governors Really Care - They Make Our Plates!"
            Like most sound bites it lacks a lot of things. In this case the truth. Our license plates have not been made by prisoner's -- at least not Illinois prisoners -- for several decades, Maybe since the 1940s. I suspect the pols back then saw the opportunity to give the business to one of their relatives and prisoners lost out. Around that time the SoS (what most states call the DMV) was run by a guy named Paul Powel. He had no family. When he died they found stacks of shoe boxes in his closet filled with cash. See that is the way it is done here; not just outright theft to a "secret" bank account like was done in Dixon. She needed lessons from the experts. That is why she got caught. The real story is -- no kidding -- she took some time off and her replacement discovered the "secret" bank account.

            One other minor point: both our imprisoned governors are in federal custody. One in Colorado and the other Indiana. The feds do not make license plates in their prisons.


            • Donald O.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 31, 1990
              • 1574

              Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

              You failed to mention two other dem governors, Otto Kerner, and Dan Walker.
              Oh, and lets not forget Dan Rostenkowski US Rep.

              Yes, here in Sillinois, we have been besieged for decades with corrupt persons in office.

              So lets get back to Corvettes.
              The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.


              • Terry M.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • September 30, 1980
                • 15543

                Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

                Originally posted by Donald Olson (17357)
                You failed to mention two other dem governors, Otto Kerner, and Dan Walker.
                Oh, and lets not forget Dan Rostenkowski US Rep.

                Yes, here in Sillinois, we have been besieged for decades with corrupt persons in office.

                So lets get back to Corvettes.
                There has been many more convictions of Illinois politicians, way too many to remember. There have been many convictions of politicians in other states as well -- must be something about the job.

                Don, you failed to mention that Dan Walker's conviction was for actions after he was out of office and had nothing to do with his job as governor. In fact it was white collar business crime that he was convicted for. Of course that doesn't excuse what he did -- it just puts him in a different category of crooks.

                You are right -- back to Corvettes. Has anyone looked at her 1967?
                Last edited by Terry M.; November 23, 2012, 01:11 AM.


                • Robert R.
                  • May 31, 1975
                  • 357

                  Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

                  Do you remember that there used to be a comercial for Illinois tourism with the jingle: "Just outside of Chicago, there's a place called Illinois."
                  It made a lot of down staters angry, so it got changed to "Just outside your own backyard, there's a place called Illinois."


                  • Terry M.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • September 30, 1980
                    • 15543

                    Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

                    Originally posted by Robert Ricchio (599)
                    Do you remember that there used to be a comercial for Illinois tourism with the jingle: "Just outside of Chicago, there's a place called Illinois."
                    It made a lot of down staters angry, so it got changed to "Just outside your own backyard, there's a place called Illinois."
                    Oh yes. I recall that Bob.


                    • Tom D.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • September 30, 1981
                      • 2110

                      Re: Dixon IL (WI or FL) Rita Crundwell's 1967 Corvette Auction

                      The auction continues into next week. The car is at $31,000 or so today. Any chance it has a tank sticker?
                      Michigan Chapter
                      Tom Dingman


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