Headlight assembly paint restoration question. - NCRS Discussion Boards

Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

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  • Joe M.
    Frequent User
    • February 17, 2010
    • 83

    Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

    Headlight assembly paintrestoration question.
    I'm in the process of restoring a1973 headlight assembly and wanted to make sure I have the correct colors for judging. I painted the headlight housing support withKrylon Lacquer KO1613 Semi FlatBlack. What I'm looking for is what'sthe correct color of the headlight actuator bracket as I'm not able to find thecolor in the judging guide? If someonecould please point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

    Originally posted by Joe Marocco (51456)
    Headlight assembly paintrestoration question.
    I'm in the process of restoring a1973 headlight assembly and wanted to make sure I have the correct colors for judging. I painted the headlight housing support withKrylon Lacquer KO1613 Semi FlatBlack. What I'm looking for is what'sthe correct color of the headlight actuator bracket as I'm not able to find thecolor in the judging guide? If someonecould please point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
    The head light actuator bracket is one and the same as the head light hsg support. Can you help me out here on just what you mean?


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • June 30, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

      If I understand correctly what you are talking about, it should be zinc chromate.
      Dick Whittington


      • Joe M.
        Frequent User
        • February 17, 2010
        • 83

        Re: Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

        Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
        The head light actuator bracket is one and the same as the head light hsg support. Can you help me out here on just what you mean?
        I'll try and explain this usingpics of parts from Corvette Central as it will save time. The headlight housing support I've paintedwith withKrylon Lacquer KO1613 Semi Flat Black paint. Again for time sake this is headlight housing support is Corvette Central part number 443085L.

        My question is correct color for judgingon the headlight actuator bracket (Corvette Central P/N 443080). I've not purchased these parts from CorvetteCentral I'm just using the pics they have for an example.

        Thanks for your help


        • Bill W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 29, 1980
          • 2000

          Re: Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

          Dick is correct . all under the header headlamp parts were painted green zink cromate with what ever overspray got through .They were not to picky. Bill


          • Joe M.
            Frequent User
            • February 17, 2010
            • 83

            Re: Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

            Originally posted by Bill Williamson (3245)
            Dick is correct . all under the header headlamp parts were painted green zink cromate with what ever overspray got through .They were not to picky. Bill
            Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.



            • Joe M.
              Frequent User
              • February 17, 2010
              • 83

              Re: Headlight assembly paint restoration question.

              Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.



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