1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line?? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

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  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

    Here's a paragraph from April 1964 Chevrolet Service News, re K66:

    A breakerless ignition system of the magnetic pulse type was introduced in December 1963 as an option for certain 1964 high performance versions of Chevrolet V-8 engines. Ordered as RPO K66, this transistor controlled breakerless ignition system is currently available, factory installed, on Corvette 327 cu. in V-8 engines of 365 and 375 hp, or on the 409 cu. in V-8 engines of 340, 400 and 425 hp that are offered for 1964 Chevrolet series passenger cars.

    I believe other GM lines intoduced T.I. about this time. Bought a 1115005 amp and the T.I. volt reg 1116366 off eBay years ago; supposedly both off a '64 Bonneville. Notice the "L3" stamped near one of the bolt holes; maybe it means Dec 1963, or the 3rd week of Dec (1963 implied). See also 2nd pic & paragraph below this one.

    All as a way of asking if those who have or have seen 1964 L76's with K66 and C60, do they have the T.I. volt regulator 1116368 (this one dated 4H), like the '65 MY cars with same options do ?



    • Kenneth J.
      Infrequent User
      • January 31, 2001
      • 4

      Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

      @ Alan, I completely agree with the mounting locations/options combinations. Problem is, the latest (and all previous) 1963-1964 NCRS Judging Manuals do not agree. I have contacted the revision team (who's emails I could locate) and requested the Judging Manual be revised to match what is in the GM Assembly manual regarding amplifier mounting location options. I am still waiting to hear back from that group.


      • Matt L.
        • November 12, 2012
        • 25

        Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

        Mine is "#3" on fuel injected car.
        note, on #4, I believe you meant to write, nearest to engine.?? Am I correct on that? I've never seen or heard of one being mounted on the radiator support on the engine side of the radiator support.
        Originally posted by Alan Drake (43261)
        Things appear to be getting confused here due to terminology. So we have 4 possible locations for a 1964;
        1 Driver side on outside of radiator support nearest to front grille.
        2 Driver side on inside of radiator support engine side.
        3 Passenger side on outside of radiator support nearest to front grille.
        4 Passenger side on inside of radiator support nearest to front grille.

        I interrupt Michael's comments as follows;
        The amp was mounted vertically on the front of the support for L76/365 HP cars. 1
        It was mounted horizontally on a bracket for L84/375 HP cars. 1
        Starting in March 1964, the option combination of L76, C60/AC and K66 transistor ignition was added. This new option also had the TI amp mounted on the horizontal bracket just like it was for cars with L84/FI.

        Is anyone saying a location different than 1 ???? If so please use these number locations in any new posts so we are all on the same page. Hope & Assume my descriptions are clearly understood.


        • Alan D.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 31, 2004
          • 2020

          Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

          YES on #4, 4 Passenger side on inside of radiator support nearest to engine
          Cut/Paste does bit you, sorry. So your amp is not in front of the air cleaner intake? Is it on the right angle bracket? Do not think the AIM shows anything but #1 location however we are dealing with a corvette so never say never.


          • Matt L.
            • November 12, 2012
            • 25

            Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

            My car is a very early, possibly first off line for sale, TI FI car. January 6th. Mine is on the radiator housing, passenger side, in front of the radiator closest to the nose of the car. The Noland Adams book says on early cars it was mounted behind the radiator, which if you had the hood open and looking at the engine, it would be behind the radiator. But to clarify things, this means on the side of the radiator housing where the horns are located, in "front of the radiator" where it gets cooler air to help keep the amp module cool. Mine, FI car, is on the radiator housing, passenger side, in front of the radiator closest to the nose of the car.
            I hope that clarifies it.

            Originally posted by Alan Drake (43261)
            YES on #4, 4 Passenger side on inside of radiator support nearest to engine
            Cut/Paste does bit you, sorry. So your amp is not in front of the air cleaner intake? Is it on the right angle bracket? Do not think the AIM shows anything but #1 location however we are dealing with a corvette so never say never.


            • Alan D.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • December 31, 2004
              • 2020

              Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

              Interesting comment from Noland, "In the beginning, the amplifier was mounted behind the radiator. With cooler air in front of the radiator, however, the amplifier was soon moved up front, where it was mounted on the radiator shroud."
              Noland lacks to inform us which side (driver/passenger) he is talking about however I would say the passenger's side since the driver's side is filled by the air cleaner, so #3 or #4 All the AIM pages are of not much help since the earliest date is 12-63.

              How was your Amp mounted? - on a bracket or right against the radiator support?
              (Good thing I used the get out of jail free card, ie however we are dealing with a corvette so never say never)


              • Matt L.
                • November 12, 2012
                • 25

                Re: 1964 Transistorized Ignition on Corvette. First one off the line??

                Mine, is mounted onto the radiator support with no bracket. I've heard or read that on non FI cars, the amp module is mounted on the driver side, again in front of radiator support. Not 100% on that though.
                Thanks, Matt


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