65 BB Gauge reading - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 BB Gauge reading

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  • Brenton M.
    • May 31, 2006
    • 66

    65 BB Gauge reading

    I replaced my temp gauge with a new one, I also replaced the sending unit with the correct one for the 396/425 engine, Purchased from Corvette Clocks by Roger. Once the engine would get up to operating temp, the gauge would read 240, I didn't think it was that hot, I shot it with a IR gun @ operating temp it read about 180 to 190 after idling for about 10 min. A few days ago the wife and I was out cruising when the gauge went up pass 240 almost pegging out, it did come back down to about 240, but hasn't been any lower than that. After sitting for a few days it still reads 240, I removed the wire from sending unit turned the switch on, It should have went to zero, But it still read 240. So i grounded the wire, the gauge pegged out that's what it should do when you ground it, But it wont read no lower than 240, someone tell me what's going on with the gauge.
  • Anthony P.
    • October 26, 2011
    • 199

    Re: 65 BB Gauge reading

    Brenton: I have run into this same situation recently, same symtoms as you have descibed, I had gone through two Gauges till I recieved one that was made correctly, I believe you have a bad new gauge.


    • Brenton M.
      • May 31, 2006
      • 66

      Re: 65 BB Gauge reading

      Thanks Tony, I was kind of thinking the gauge could have been bad. Whom do you recommend buying a gauge from? Man i really dread pulling that dash cluster again it's a pain in the rear.


      • Carl N.
        • April 30, 1984
        • 592

        Re: 65 BB Gauge reading

        agree with Benton - defective gage - send it back - or Long Island Corvette Supply - or Paragon


        • Anthony P.
          • October 26, 2011
          • 199

          Re: 65 BB Gauge reading

          Benton: As Carl said Paragon and Long Island are good choices! BUT NEVER ORDER A NOS gauge.

          As far as the installation it can be installed without messing with the cluster, I have small hands and found just the right combination/sequence to do it.

          Good luck keep us posted!!!


          • Brenton M.
            • May 31, 2006
            • 66

            Re: 65 BB Gauge reading

            Hi Tony. Thanks for the info. It's good to hear that the temp Gauge can be installed without messing with the cluster, Would you mind sharing that info. with me on how its done without messing with the gauge cluster. That would really help me out a lot if i didn't have to pull the gauge cluster out. email address Brenton655@yahoo.com


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