1957 Circuit Breaker and Jack

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  • John P.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 2006
    • 161

    1957 Circuit Breaker and Jack

    Hello, Can anyone recommend a vendor or member I could contact to purchase a "Wood Electric" 40 amp power top/window circuit breaker? Also I am going to look at two jacks for a 1957 corvette. Is there any easy way to tell them apart from the reproductions? Is there any date codes on the early (C1) jacks? As always, thank you so much in advance for any and all help. John
  • Joe M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1990
    • 1337

    Re: 1957 Circuit Breaker and Jack

    Check with Doc Rebuild on his web site or call for the 40A circuit breaker. Corvette Central sells repros for $23.

    The 1957 jacks are not date coded. The original jacks have the part number SJ4653 stamped in slightly larger letters/numbers than repros, and the base plate of the repro is made different than the originals as the repro does not have a drop/ledge down to the level where the SJ4653 is stamped. The repro rivets are not peened the same as the original. The original rivets were peened so that there are a couple of concentric circles stamped into the end of the rivet. An original sold on Saturday for $725 and that is the low end at this time. The repros run approximately $250 and the design is close to the original.


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