Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

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  • Anthony S.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 1998
    • 156

    Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

    Any advice on cleaning up a car to prepare it for Star/Bowtie awards. All original, just years on it, and the typical oil leaks one might expect..."Clean the car without
    hurting the orginal paint/finishes, and without hurting the frame paint???, etc. etc." Sharing any actual experiences would be a plus. I have not found
    much in a search of past posts/ threads on this subject. Thanks in advance...T
  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 24, 2008
    • 2389

    Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

    I have my 62 ready for Kansas City in two years. Everyone says a good cleaning only, no restoring. Leave the rust on the bolts, grease and oil as they lie, etc. I wiped the dripping oil up


    • Kevin G.
      • February 1, 2005
      • 1066

      Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

      Tony, Good luck with your pursuit towards the prestigious NCRS Bowtie/Star Award. The best advise I could offer would be, the cleaner the better!

      My .02
      Last edited by Kevin G.; September 28, 2012, 09:13 AM.


      • Roy S.
        Past National Judging Chairman
        • August 1, 1979
        • 1018

        Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

        If you own a Judging reference manual, read the star/bowtie section, if you do not own one it could be the best investment you ever make, available through the online store for a minimal fee.


        • Anthony S.
          Very Frequent User
          • May 1, 1998
          • 156

          Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

          Hi Roy, Thanks, good points. I have the older version and the latest version of the Corvette Judging Reference Manual.. I am trying to get views of actual experience, in addition to the content in the guide. Thanks Tony
          Last edited by Anthony S.; September 28, 2012, 08:44 PM. Reason: clearification


          • Patrick H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • December 1, 1989
            • 11535

            Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

            Diluted Simple Green in a spray bottle, diluted Dawn and hot water.
            As long as finishes are essentially visible you're really going to be fine. If you have grease and dirt caked on so that the judges can't see if a part is original or what the finish may be, then it needs to come off.
            I use old soft toothbrushes to help clean.
            Don't disassemble ANYTHING or remove any bolts if humanly possible.

            Look at my car photos visible in my link below. It should give you some idea of the "usual" amount of dirt seen.
            Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
            71 "deer modified" coupe
            72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
            2008 coupe
            Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


            • Mike E.
              Very Frequent User
              • June 25, 2012
              • 920

              Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

              This one is really funny...If a new Corvette was built today with all the glue smeared on the door I don't think folks would buy one...Our standards have sure changed, I guess its just what makes these old cars so cool.

              When restoring its so easy to over do. As I I'm working on my '65 I keep telling myself...GM didn't make show cars. Thanks for posting!

              Last edited by Mike E.; September 28, 2012, 07:11 PM.


              • Terry M.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • October 1, 1980
                • 15541

                Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                Originally posted by Mike Eby (55078)
                This one is really funny...If a new Corvette was built today with all the glue smeared on the door I don't thing folks would buy one...Our standards have sure changed, I guess its just what makes these old cars so cool. When restoring its so easy to over do.

                As I I'm working on my '65 I keep telling myself...GM didn't make show cars. Thanks for posting!

                The glue wasn't that ugly when it was new. The glue went on clear. That yellow finish is after years of change. However, I agree with you our standards have certainly changed. I just spent a day with a friend taking museum delivery, and those cars are spectacular; of course they are brand new and 21st century technology.


                • Patrick H.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • December 1, 1989
                  • 11535

                  Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                  I happen to think that glue is beautiful.

                  Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                  71 "deer modified" coupe
                  72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
                  2008 coupe
                  Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                  • John H.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • December 1, 1997
                    • 16513

                    Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                    Originally posted by Anthony Soltyka (30469)
                    Hi Roy, Thanks, good points. I have the older version and the latest version of the Judging Guide. I am trying to get views of actual experience, in addition to the content in the guide. Thanks Tony
                    Tony -

                    What Roy referenced wasn't the Judging Guide - it's the "Corvette Judging Reference Manual", 8th Edition; the book everyone should have, but few do. It has a complete section of the Star/Bowtie award.


                    • Anthony S.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • May 1, 1998
                      • 156

                      Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                      Right on. I was thinking Corvette Judging Reference Manual, but shortened it, whIch made It confusIng. So I updated my post above for clarification. Thanks for catching that.


                      • Anthony S.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • May 1, 1998
                        • 156

                        Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                        .... I do have the 8th Edition. It has grown over the years and thus takes a bit longer to find specific facts you are looking for ....ha.


                        • Terry B.
                          • December 6, 2010
                          • 73

                          Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                          I just successfully went through the Bowtie process in San Diego. My advice is to get everything as clean as possible without removing any of the old paint. It is a fine line as you need to expose stampings, bolt heads, zerks and etcetera without removing the assembly markings. My car had been undercoated (a blessing and a curse) and it had to be removed. For most of the cleaning I used Simple Green and rags or soft brushes, for some areas I CAREFULLY used plastic scrapers and screwdrivers to remove caked on grime. For the undercoat I used heat and plastic scrapers. As you may already know they will not tell you exactly what they are looking for (so you don't have a recipe for building a Bowtie), but when you go through local and regional judging they will help you identify places that must be cleaned more than they have already been cleaned.


                          • Anthony S.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • May 1, 1998
                            • 156

                            Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                            Terry, how did you ever get that under coating off without hurting the car!!!! T

                            I am impressed. I have been told stories with bad endings....


                            • Terry B.
                              • December 6, 2010
                              • 73

                              Re: Prep for Star and Bowtie judging - cleaning recommendations

                              I did it carefully. I have a scare from the effort. As I said it was a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing in that everything underneath it was perfectly preserved.
                              Last edited by Terry B.; September 29, 2012, 01:42 AM. Reason: correction.


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