59 Vin question

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  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 59 Vin question

    Originally posted by Rod Kramer (17041)
    Assuming they're the same as '57 (and probably '53-'60), they're probably a medium carbon steel, definitely not stainless, as they're hardened thread cutting type BT #8 X 3/8 pan head Phillips drive.
    Rod -

    I believe those screws were round-head, not pan-head.


    • Rod K.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 1, 1990
      • 438

      Re: 59 Vin question


      My originals appear to be pan head with dimensions (larger dia and lower overall height) and profile comforming more to a pan head than round. They have about a .06 tall cylindrical section at the base of the head, not typical of a round head, I think.


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