1962 4 speed trans

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  • George H.
    • September 30, 2010
    • 5

    1962 4 speed trans

    How would I know what is the correct 4 speed for my 62, & the same for a powerglide? are they stapped with vin # and date?
  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: 1962 4 speed trans

    Aluminum T-10 T-10 1C case as I recall, yes the VIN will be stamped on the side, for either the 4 spd or the PG, I probably gave a picture from my '62, email me if you REALLY need one and I'll try to dig it out from a large batch of pre-digital era stuff.
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Larry C.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 1, 1980
      • 279

      Re: 1962 4 speed trans


      Original 4spd, close-ratio trans in my '62 shows the following:

      Main gear hsg (pass. side) - Cast T-10-IC; 3782212; Chevy bowtie emblem; Patented General Motors Corp.
      Tail hsg (pass. side) - Cast T-10-7D; 3803490; R-1; 5-16-62

      Stamped between main and tail hsgs - 2113078WF82-3 (#2 = 1962; #1 = prefix # in vin; 13078 = serial #; W = Warner; F = June; 8 = 8th day; 2 = 1962; 3 = 3rd work shift.

      There is also a small rectangular metal tag embossed with "CC" under one, lower bolt on trans side cover. This indicates "close ratio".



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