65 coupe stolen

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  • Jim D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 1985
    • 2882

    65 coupe stolen

    This is a happened locally a couple days ago. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/-...165761006.html
  • Clark K.
    • January 12, 2009
    • 536

    Re: 65 coupe stolen

    It is sad that vintage Corvettes are such a target for thieves. I hope the guy gets them back in the same condition and the thief goes to prison. But, I take exception to the claim that both of those cars are rare and worth $150k each. 1965 396-equipped Sting Ray coupes aren't THAT rare and neither are SS396 Chevelles. But, without more information about the Sting Ray, I would estimate that it is worth $100k. The undesireable-color Chevelle, not so much.

    What I found even more interesting were some of the comments attached to the bottom of the online news article. Wow, there are some jealous people out there who cannot stand for someone to own vintage cars that are not daily driven in all weathers. I remember a woman acquaintance who, after she discovered that I have a small collection of vintage cars, asked my why on earth anyone would need more than one car. She asked me how many I could drive at one time! I then asked her why she needed ten cats.


    • Jim A.
      • December 4, 2009
      • 6

      Re: 65 coupe stolen

      The 150K number is probably an insurance, agreed upon value, kind of thing. Is the Chevelle an SS396? I can't tell from the pic. If it's an SS454 LS6, well that would bump up the value considerably. I believe that around 750 L78 "Sting Ray" coupes were built. Based on total production of close to 120,000 vehicles, I wouldn't take too much exception to the writers claim of rare. Hopefully these cars get recovered and returned to the owner.


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