Primer Coverage From The Factory 1967 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Primer Coverage From The Factory 1967

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  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1991
    • 386

    Primer Coverage From The Factory 1967

    Was the underside of the hood sprayed with primer? In addition, I have owned unrestored cars that have demonstrated primer in the engine compartment including primer down the firewall. Do you see primer because it was overspray or was it intentionally sprayed? If so where and how much was actually sprayed.
    Keith Burmeister
  • Jack C.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 30, 1992
    • 1090

    Re: Primer Coverage From The Factory 1967

    Keith. I know you are asking about a 67 but my 68 has red primer showing through the black paint where the rubber radiator seal has rubbed off the paint over the years on the underside of the hood.
    Jack Corso
    1972 Elkhart Green LT-1 Coupe 43,200 miles
    Top Flight 1994, 2018 & 2021


    • Gary S.
      Super Moderator
      • January 31, 1984
      • 456

      Re: Primer Coverage From The Factory 1967

      I stripped the bottom of a 67 427 I once owned and it had full red primer. I also owned a 67 400 air coupe with original paint and it shows primer on the entire bottom...picture attached of it bleeding through.

      Bottom two pictures are of my 67 #1866 showing primer from hood cable to floor pan.

      Both cars St. Louis built.


      Avatar--My first ever vette, owned 3X since 1977, restored 1993-2024. Top Flight Award 9/14/24


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