1967 427-390h.p..which valve covers will work?

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  • Mark U.
    • June 8, 2009
    • 70

    1967 427-390h.p..which valve covers will work?

    I see there is a wide range of valve covers-dripper vs non dripper-price difference is huge-which one is correct for my car-side note are there differences in no power brake or are the valve covers all the same.

    Again thanks
  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 7, 2008
    • 928

    Re: 1967 427-390h.p..which valve covers will work?

    You should have ones with drippers and all covers got the slant on the drivers side for the booster


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: 1967 427-390h.p..which valve covers will work?

      Originally posted by Mark Ucakar (50508)
      I see there is a wide range of valve covers-dripper vs non dripper-price difference is huge-which one is correct for my car-side note are there differences in no power brake or are the valve covers all the same.

      Again thanks
      Mark -

      Do you have the '67 JG? Your questions are both answered in the Big Block Mechanical Section, Item #4, Valve Covers.


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