C1 (1960) spacer for the master cylinder - NCRS Discussion Boards

C1 (1960) spacer for the master cylinder

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  • Donald H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 1, 2009
    • 2569

    C1 (1960) spacer for the master cylinder

    I don't remember the position of the spacer on the pedal bracket when I took it apart. I attached a picture if the pedal bracket assembly shortly after I took it apart two years ago.

    I believe the spacer in the picture goes next to the master cylinder on the outside (engine bay side) of the firewall. Can someone confirm? I think I see a shadow of the master cylinder on the spacer.

    The only other position would be on the inside of the firewall next to the pedal bracket assembly.


    Don Harris

    Pedal bracket assembly.jpg
    Don Harris
    Current: 67 convertible Marina Blue L79
    Former: 60 Red/Red, 2x4, 245hp (Regional and National Top Flight 2013), 66 coupe Nassau Blue, L79 (Chapter and Regional Top Flight 2017)
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    Re: C1 (1960) spacer for the master cylinder

    Don, Spacer, or "reinforcement" has to go on the inside, between the bracket and firewall. Won't fit on the engine bay side. (triangle vs square)

    Just did this a few weeks ago on the '59 here. That shadow must have been the MC stud pressure on the fiberglass. I think I saw the same thing.



    • Donald H.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 1, 2009
      • 2569

      Re: C1 (1960) spacer for the master cylinder

      Yeah, pretty obvious now that you mentioned the shape.
      Don Harris
      Current: 67 convertible Marina Blue L79
      Former: 60 Red/Red, 2x4, 245hp (Regional and National Top Flight 2013), 66 coupe Nassau Blue, L79 (Chapter and Regional Top Flight 2017)


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