Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires - NCRS Discussion Boards

Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires

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  • Glen C.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1985
    • 193

    Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires

    I've ordered a set of Diamondback tires. After installation I will have a full front & rear wheel alignment & balance performed. For regular driving should I deviate from the GM 775/15 bias ply tire recommended alignment specs, to accomodate the new radial tires? If so what caster, camber, & toe in, specs would you recommened?
  • Rob M.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 2003
    • 657

    Re: Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires


    From Duke Williams:

    Touring w/ radial tires
    0 deg. camber
    +1.5 deg caster (+2.0 w/pwr steering)
    1/32" toe-in per wheel

    -0.5 deg. rear camber
    1/32" toe-in per wheel

    Sport w/radial tires
    as much negative camber as can be achieved up to -1.0 deg.
    maximum positive caster that can be achieved
    1/32" toe-in per wheel

    -1.0 deg. rear camber
    1/32" toe-in per wheel

    All cross readings should be as close to zero as possible; 1/32" toe-in per wheel is equivalent to 0.133 deg. toe-in per wheel with 27" diameter tires.

    I hope this helps.

    '66 327/300 Regional Top Flt
    '08 6 speed coupe


    • Michael J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 26, 2009
      • 7045

      Re: Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires

      When I ordered and installed my Diamondback redline MichelinX tires on my '67, I didn't change anything in the alignment from the 7.75X15 bias I was running. I have had it on many long trips at 70-75 mph and on twisty mountain roads and it handles and rides great, so much better than those bias ply things.
      Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


      • Glen C.
        Very Frequent User
        • October 31, 1985
        • 193

        Re: Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires

        Duke, Thanks for helping me out again, Glen


        • Glen C.
          Very Frequent User
          • October 31, 1985
          • 193

          Re: Diamondback/Michelin X goldline 205/75R15 tires

          Guess I should have said, thanks Duke & Rob. Sorry!


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