TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus? - NCRS Discussion Boards

TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

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  • Ara G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 30, 2008
    • 1108

    TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

    Hi all,
    I got gigged at the regionals for my TI amplifier box being correct but the part number was stamped on the main body and not on the flange...the 005...I was told that original units had the part number stamped on the flange next to the attaching screw and not the main body of the TI amp unit...Any thoughts? I have 2 NOS TI amps in the delco box and 2 used originals...some are one way and some are the other....I can't make heads or tails out of it...Any thoughts out there? Any help is always appreciated....
  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

    Ara --- I was of the opinion that the '343's (late '68-up ?) with the pigtail were stamped on the body [on the short side], but the '005's were on the body at the flange that locates (one of the) mounting screws. Ignore the '65 T.I. volt regulator on the right, in the pic below.



    • William L.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 30, 1988
      • 944

      Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

      My original 67 TI box is stamped on the flange just like the black box in Wayne's picture. My car is a very late 67 (23 June 67)
      Bill Lacy
      1967 427/435 National Top Flight Bloomington Gold
      1998 Indy Pacecar


      • Ara G.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 30, 2008
        • 1108

        Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

        Wayne and Bill
        Thanks for the posts and replies...I have one TI AMP in the delco box stamped in the body, not the flange..and then I have one NOS in the delco box that is stamped on the flange just like the pic Wayne posted. The one on my car is stamped on the body on the side, and I am not sure if both are accepted or just the flange stamped versions or both...I am prepping the car for a try at the Triple Diamond and then I would like to bring her back to Kissimmee and then hopefully to the Nationals in Virginia so I am trying to "tighten" the car up....Thanks for all input...Regards.....ARA


        • Wayne M.
          • February 29, 1980
          • 6414

          Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

          Ara (and other '67 owners): Another visible on 1115005 T.I. amps is the type of rear cover; either flat at the edge or curled (as are '64 thru ['66 ?]). Had to do with failure due to moisture getting inside. New cover and new gasket to solve problem. You guys with '66 and '67 TIM&JG's might want to check what is said for the appropriate VIN change-over date. In both pics below, the first style is on the left; flat cover on the right. In my pic above (post #2) this cover has the curved edge lip.



          • Glen C.
            Very Frequent User
            • October 31, 1985
            • 193

            Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

            My 66 BB 5005 TI amp has the numbers on the flange, with a flat back plate.


            • Loren L.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • April 30, 1976
              • 4104

              Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

              I have two of the 1115005s, both with stamping on the flange BUT......IF YOU PLACE THE PICKUP AT THE TOP, ON ONE YOU CAN READ THE NUMBER, ON THE OTHER, IT'S UPSIDE DOWN. Put that in your "variables" column......


              • Alan D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • December 31, 2004
                • 2020

                Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

                Like these!
                Attached Files


                • Dick W.
                  Former NCRS Director Region IV
                  • June 30, 1985
                  • 10483

                  Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

                  It has been quite a while since I restored a C-2 but I believe that stamped on the flange is most prevalent
                  Dick Whittington


                  • Loren L.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • April 30, 1976
                    • 4104

                    Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

                    Bingo! (I've been informed by the Great God Wordy that my message was too short....my profound apologies.)

                    Originally posted by Alan Drake (43261)
                    Like these!


                    • Mike Z.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • January 31, 1988
                      • 226

                      Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

                      Hi all-
                      I have been restoring these amps for several years and have seen well over 100 (probably 30 sitting in inventory of various versions). Based on this experience and copies of Delco blueprints, I can conclude: OEM housings have the full P/N stamped into the single side mounting tab-as Wayne's pictures show. The NOS/over-the-counter housings usually have only the last 3 digits of the P/N stamped into the side and nothing stamped at the mounting tab-I have seen some non-OEM units that have nothing stamped into the tab or the side. Also, another twist is the backing plate: 1st design (64-mid 67) used a "poured" gasket with a cupped over the side backing plate. There was a design change dated Feb 1967 to the 2nd design backing plate (mid-67-71), which the plate was completely flat at the edge and used a cut rubber/neoprene gasket (so late 67 models & early 68 used the #1115005 with the flat backing plate). The #343 design date was Feb 1968 and used the 2nd design backing plate; so cars after that point would have had the #343 which has the "pigtail" connector vs. the #5005 which had the connector directly attached at the housing i.e. Wayne's pics.
                      Mike Zamora


                      • Clem Z.
                        • December 31, 2005
                        • 9427

                        Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

                        i have a few here from my back in the day of repairing them and they all have the full # on the mounting flange


                        • Glen C.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • October 31, 1985
                          • 193

                          Re: TI amp part number stamping - where? concensus?

                          I just found an old 343. (343 12V 2C) It has the numbers on the short side to the left with connector up, 1/8" numbering that is upside down, regular connector no pigtail, flat back with gasket. It is probably a mixture of different year parts.


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