Any way to "clean up" generator tag?

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  • Gordon W.
    • June 5, 2012
    • 122

    Re: Any way to "clean up" generator tag?

    Thanks, Edward. I think I will do just what you say and leave it alone.


    • Paul J.
      • September 10, 2008
      • 2091

      Re: Any way to "clean up" generator tag?

      Gordon, you can still improve the looks of the tag. Take a piece of masking tape (painter's tape) and cover the entire tag. Then take your fingernail and work it down flat. Then carefully use an x-acto knife to cut the tape away from the center stamp pad and the silver egdes, leaving those exposed and covering the red areas. You also want to cover the generator with tape close to the tag. Once again work the edges flat, then polish it. It won't look new, but it will be better.



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