Jack's jack

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  • Jack A.
    • March 1, 2001
    • 129

    Jack's jack

    I was able to get an original jack for my 61 restoration. Like most 40 year old jacks it is very sloppy. Any suggestions on how I might be able to tighten it up?

    Thanks in advance,

    Jack Alexander 35730
  • Dick W.
    Former NCRS Director Region IV
    • July 1, 1985
    • 10483

    Re: Jack's jack

    Jack, jacks of that era were pretty sloppy to begin with. I think what was perceived as tight when they were new was the excess of paint on the jack. I bought a '61 in 1962 and from my feeble memory, it was not much of a jack when new.

    Just remember they were made in an era when safety was not a high priority, unlike today. People used a little common sense back then, did not have to depend on Big Brother to coddle and protect them from all the evil manufacturer's and suppliers.
    Dick Whittington


    • John T.
      NCRS Financial Officer
      • January 1, 1983
      • 286

      Re: Jack's jack

      Suggestion would be to be very careful. The peening of the rivets is one of the "different" features between the original and the repo. Since the jack will never be used I would balance any condition benefit with the loss of originality.



      • John F.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 24, 2008
        • 2388

        Re: Jack's jack

        Jack, Don't ever use it. Show only! My first 56 & 62 almost fell on me using those jacks. That was back in 68-70.



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