AC wiring help - NCRS Discussion Boards

AC wiring help

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  • John M.
    • June 27, 2010
    • 179

    AC wiring help

    Ok the rookie restore is lost again, I wired the dash and thought I hooked everything up perfect until I got to the AC wiring. The AC wiring has two connectors that come back into the car one connector is suppose to go to the AC Pull fan switch which I already had a dash wiring connector installed is this connection not use on a factory air car? Also on top of the heater box there is a switch which I had another Light blue ,orange and yellow connector installed which isn't correct either so where does that connector go? Does anyone have some pictures, the AIM manual is killing me. The manual shows the components but they seem to be the same Thanks
  • Randy S.
    • December 31, 2002
    • 586

    Re: AC wiring help


    I have a 66 so I will assume it is the same for 67. Someone with a 67 AIM may jump in

    Ref C60 E9

    The connection for the Air Cond switch on the heater box shows 2@ 16Blue with a yellow tracer, 14 Brown and 16 DG ( Dark Green?)

    The Air Cond Pull shows 16 Blue/orange, 16Blue/yellow Tracer,16Blue/LBL(light blue ?) and 14 Brown.



    • Bill C.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 31, 1989
      • 423

      Re: AC wiring help

      Its all in the AIM, and the associated diagrams, the 3 wire connector is for the resistor on the no a/c cars, it just gets taped up and left, the switch connector lead from the factory main harness just gets left hanging also, use the A/C harness leads here. I am sure you are already aware the A/C harness is installed quite different than shown.



      • John M.
        • June 27, 2010
        • 179

        Re: AC wiring help

        Randy/Bill, so if I use the AC wiring harness tape the dash connectors I should be good to go? This has been driving me crazy cause both pull fan switch wiring has the brown wire that connects to the radio caps. thanks for the help, I should have asked 2 days ago.

        Originally posted by Randy Swartout (39156)

        I have a 66 so I will assume it is the same for 67. Someone with a 67 AIM may jump in

        Ref C60 E9

        The connection for the Air Cond switch on the heater box shows 2@ 16Blue with a yellow tracer, 14 Brown and 16 DG ( Dark Green?)

        The Air Cond Pull shows 16 Blue/orange, 16Blue/yellow Tracer,16Blue/LBL(light blue ?) and 14 Brown.



        • John H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • November 30, 1997
          • 16513

          Re: AC wiring help

          Originally posted by John Mikelaitis (51914)
          so if I use the AC wiring harness tape the dash connectors I should be good to go? This has been driving me crazy cause both pull fan switch wiring has the brown wire that connects to the radio caps. thanks for the help, I should have asked 2 days ago.
          John -

          Your A/C wiring should look like the photo below. Note the two connectors at the extreme left that are taped back - they're for a heater car; one is for the heater resistor, and the other one is for the heater switch. Neither one is used on an A/C car, so both are just taped back out of the way.



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