1955 heater box Bratz contact info for Early 56 - NCRS Discussion Boards

1955 heater box Bratz contact info for Early 56

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  • Bryan H.
    • August 31, 2004
    • 120

    1955 heater box Bratz contact info for Early 56

    Guys I have a very early 1956 I need to understand and find out what is required for the 1955 heater box. I have a correct 55 heater . i was told Mr Bratz is a very knowledgable person on 55's and my #76 requires an unvented 55 heater. how can i contact him or who could explain the heater box set up for 55 corvettes. Bryan Hepper 42470
  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 7, 2008
    • 928

    Re: 1955 heater box Bratz contact info for Early 56

    try the CorvetteForum.com he hangs out there. better act soon hes going to Hawaii for awhile


    • John S.
      • July 29, 2009
      • 640

      Re: 1955 heater box Bratz contact info for Early 56

      Originally posted by Bryan Hepper (42470)
      Guys I have a very early 1956 I need to understand and find out what is required for the 1955 heater box. I have a correct 55 heater . i was told Mr Bratz is a very knowledgable person on 55's and my #76 requires an unvented 55 heater. how can i contact him or who could explain the heater box set up for 55 corvettes. Bryan Hepper 42470
      pictures were posted for you on march 20,2012. do you need other pictures of a certain view or do you need a list of elbows, hoses and corbin clamps. a picture of your 55 heater assembly would help me to determine if you have the correct assembly.


      • Henry F.
        Frequent User
        • March 31, 1979
        • 68

        Re: 1955 heater box Bratz contact info for Early 56

        His tag name is "copper 1955" on the Corvette Forum!
        Hank Fredella
        Vice Chairman Northeast Chapter
        Charter Member (1982)
        Webmaster www.necncrs.homestead.com


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