perplexed with level of restoration to perform - NCRS Discussion Boards

perplexed with level of restoration to perform

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  • Richard R.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 4, 2010
    • 266

    perplexed with level of restoration to perform


    I am a relative newbie here. I have owned a 69 L46 convertible w/sidepipes, 4speed, 411 rearend for 3 years and started the restoration this winter. Two weeks ago the body came off and I have just another evening in the garage to have the frame fully stripped. Now the rebuild will begin.

    But I am wrestling with the level of restoration i do. I have the POP, but no tank sticker or window sticker. All numbers match, including the frame and Bairs looked it over well and they believe it is an original side pipe car and every indication suggests the rear end is original too, including the dates of the components.

    It is an original cortez silver car but I was thinking about changing the color to the burgundy of that year. Plus i am faced with whether to restore to original and all the costs that entails or restore to look original, without care of points etc. I want to drive the car when finished, but I think I would enjoy the challenge to restore to original. What to do????

    Can i still qualify for the top awards even though I don't have all the documentation that includes what was original to the car? What kind of point deduction is associated with a change in color? I do not intend to remove the trim tag regardless of what I end up doing. is there a manual that lists what is deducted for each potential deficiency?

    I know this will be a personal decision, but I could use some opinions to help me decide.


  • Paul D.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 30, 1996
    • 491

    Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

    My opinion, and it's worth exactly what you paid for it, is that the "level" of restoration was decided when the body came off! If the car is relatively complete and original, I would expect the cost and effort would be about the same for a correct restoration as a incorrect one. As for color change, it's your car and I say the owner makes that call, but in this hobby a color change is always looked at as a mistake. As for the documents you are missing, neither is judged. Get yourself a judging manual and judging reference guide and do some research before you make any big decisions. Sounds like a very interesting car that would be worthy of a correct restoration. Chip.


    • Cathy S.
      • August 31, 2003
      • 293

      Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

      It's a slippery slope! If in doubt take it apart. You will fall for the car over and over again with each triumph. If your thinking about it and don't you will be sorry you didn't.


      • Joe R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1976
        • 4547

        Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

        My thoughts would be to restore the car like it was delivered to the dealer. Sell it and then purchase a car with the color you wanted. Restore the car to the original color. That way you will be preserving two Corvettes for the future.



        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

          Originally posted by Richard Roupe (51187)

          I am a relative newbie here. I have owned a 69 L46 convertible w/sidepipes, 4speed, 411 rearend for 3 years and started the restoration this winter. Two weeks ago the body came off and I have just another evening in the garage to have the frame fully stripped. Now the rebuild will begin.

          But I am wrestling with the level of restoration i do. I have the POP, but no tank sticker or window sticker. All numbers match, including the frame and Bairs looked it over well and they believe it is an original side pipe car and every indication suggests the rear end is original too, including the dates of the components.

          It is an original cortez silver car but I was thinking about changing the color to the burgundy of that year. Plus i am faced with whether to restore to original and all the costs that entails or restore to look original, without care of points etc. I want to drive the car when finished, but I think I would enjoy the challenge to restore to original. What to do????

          Can i still qualify for the top awards even though I don't have all the documentation that includes what was original to the car? What kind of point deduction is associated with a change in color? I do not intend to remove the trim tag regardless of what I end up doing. is there a manual that lists what is deducted for each potential deficiency?

          I know this will be a personal decision, but I could use some opinions to help me decide.



          No documentation is required to "qualify for Top Flight". In fact, most cars presented for judging probably have little or none.

          There is a large deduction for changing the original color. I do not recommend that such be done.

          Information on judging standards and deductions can be found in the NCRS 1968-69 Technical Information Manual and Judging Guide as well as the Judging Reference Manual. Both are available from the NCRS Bookstore.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Reba W.
            Very Frequent User
            • June 30, 1985
            • 929

            Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

            You can download copies of the judging sheets from this website and look at point assignments for yourself.


            • Michael J.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • January 26, 2009
              • 7045

              Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

              Yes, I think asking NCRS members if you should change the color is a silly question. We most all think a vintage Corvette should be kept original in most all ways, especially if you are starting with one that is mostly original like yours. Restore it back to the way it started life, that is what NCRS is about, the other Corvette forum will give you different advice, but the choice is yours.
              Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


              • Paul J.
                • September 9, 2008
                • 2091

                Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                Rich, you've gotten some great advice here and I agree with all of it. Changing the color on "special" cars always affects the value. This is true for Corvettes. Considering that you are going to the effort and expense of a full frame off restoration, I believe that it wold be a mistake to not put it back stock. Joe's post (#4) says it all. Too many people own the wrong Corvette. There's nothing wrong with customizing cars, and radical customs like resto mods are worth a lot of money when they're fresh and not driven. Mild customizing like bolt-ons are fixable, but changing the color or installing a five speed or fender flares is harder to fix, and the cost of fixing it will show up when you sell the car.

                Now that I've said this, don't forget which forum you've asked this question on. Many of us are predjudiced against the type of change that you're considering. The only time that I would consider changing the color on a Corvette would be if it was already chopped up (customized) and not worth returning to stock. My opinion.

                Last edited by Paul J.; June 17, 2012, 10:42 AM.


                • Michael W.
                  • March 31, 1997
                  • 4290

                  Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                  Originally posted by Richard Roupe (51187)
                  I know this will be a personal decision, but I could use some opinions to help me decide.


                  I think you need more than just opinions. Do your own research on what it takes to restore a car to NCRS flight judging standards and decide BEFORE you lift the first tool if you want to do this. The most expensive mistake possible is changing paths part way through the process.


                  • Terry B.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • August 31, 1999
                    • 607

                    Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                    Hi Richard,

                    Welcome to the NCRS! Great advice has been given earlier. I would just like to add that the new '68 /'69 Judging manuals will be coming out after this years' National Convention so you might want to order it then. Until then I would purchase a '69 Assembly Manual so you can see how it was originally put together.

                    If you enjoy working on the car and looking for parts, this is going to be a lot of fun. If you are going to have to pay for everything that is going to be done to the car, this is going to be expensive, but still could be fun for you as you see the car start to come back to its' original self. I hope you enjoy the process.

                    Terry Buchanan

                    Webmaster / Secretary - Heart of Ohio Chapter

                    Corvettes Owned:
                    1977 Coupe
                    1968 Convertible 427/390 (L-36) Chapter Top Flight 2007, Regional Top Flight 2010, National Top Flight 2011
                    2003 Electron Blue Coupe
                    2019 Torch Red Grand Sport Coupe


                    • Richard R.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • January 4, 2010
                      • 266

                      Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                      Thanks Guys,

                      i just got the last of the parts off the frame today. I know that I have to decide to what level of restoration and then stick to that the rest of the way through. But I have been putting the decision off until now. Can't wait much longer since now I need to start putting it back together. All the advice is quite helpful. Keep it coming.

                      I have the assembly manual and a few others. I have the judging guide but not the points sheet so I will get that today. Not needing the documentation for judging is great and eliminates one of my concerns. I am having a ball with the thing, but as I stand in the garage and observe the carnage, i get a bit nervous.

                      I really don't need that many parts to make this complete. Carb is wrong, air pump is missing, side pipe covers are shot, windshield could stand replacing, one manifold has a chunk out of the flange and needs replaced. Otherwise it is complete except the normal fastener replacements and consumables .



                      • Patrick H.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • November 30, 1989
                        • 11561

                        Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                        I can't imagine going to this level of restoration and not trying to make it as accurate as possible.
                        If you wanted a different way out that point was many hours and bolts ago.

                        I agree with Paul Drennan in the very first response to your questions.
                        Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                        71 "deer modified" coupe
                        72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
                        2008 coupe
                        Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                        • Bob S.
                          • May 31, 1986
                          • 254

                          Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                          This reminds me of something I heard a long time ago re: purchasing a classic Corvette..."When you shop, you gotta shop, Color Blind"

                          I never forgot that..I think all the info you got here is valuable. Since you're going to do all this work, keep the color the same. Trust me...I purchased a Tan '63 Split Window some years back, and hated the color, but it was so "Correct" I put down my money. It didn't take long before I fell in LOVE with the Saddle/Saddle Car...I think you'll wind up doing the same.

                          Anyway, that's my Two Cents!

                          Welcome to the NCRS!



                          • Richard R.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • January 4, 2010
                            • 266

                            Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                            one of the reasons i bought this car was that it was mostly all there, wasn't a mess and looked like there was nothing really major wrong with it. I never intended to modify it like flares, or major suspension change etc. The color at the time was secondary. So you are right, the more I dig into this (and it is like an archeological dig) the more I become attached to the car.

                            I thought that since I didn't have the documentation it might hurt me in any judging and consequently a color change would be irrelevant . Now that I know that is not the case i will probably leave it the same color it was born with. Still not sure if i want to go through the judging stuff, but one step at a time.



                            • David H.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • June 30, 2001
                              • 1452

                              Re: perplexed with level of restoration to perform

                              There is a Regional coming up in a few months in Pennsylvania. You might want to Observer Judge Operations and one of the Originality/Condition sections (exterior, mechanical, interior, chassis) on your year car - that will give you a flavor of the "judging stuff" and clarify what direction you want to take the car.
                              Judging Chairman Mid-Way USA (Kansas) Chapter


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