1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?

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  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17404

    Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


    Knew there was the possibility that early '61's could have 60 style mirror glass. Didn't know it went that late.

    Heitzman's the Team Leader and it's his call. Am curious if you asked how that was determined?

    NCRS Texas Chapter



    • Dennis C.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 1, 2002
      • 881

      Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?

      I would proceed with caution if making a change before you see what is actually written in the revised guide.



      • Mark S.
        Very Frequent User
        • August 1, 1983
        • 646

        Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?

        Gary: This is the reply that I received from Dave Heitzman for a clarification: "Early and mid 1961 INTERIOR mirror glass may be the same as all 1953-60 mirror glass, which is dark and silvered on the backside, creating the gap in the reflection. At some point during early 1961 the lighter shaded glass without a reflection gap started to replace the darker glass that had a gap. The earliest no-gap glass that I have documented is 1961 VIN 04527, although use could have began earlier. The one-owner 1961, VIN 06527, has the darker glass and gap. Based on this your 1961 VIN 06533 could have had either type glass in the interior mirror. There is no evidence of a certyain date that one glass type ended and the other began. As with many changeovers the new and old parts were intermingled for a period of time. Sometime between late 1960 and early 1961 the EXTERIOR mirror glass changed from the dark glass with a gap to lighter shading with the silvering applied on the front side, which eliminated the gap in the reflection. During early 1961 either type glass was possible. Your later 1961 VIN 06533 would have had the lighter glass and no gap. For 1962 both interior and exterior mirrors used the lighter shading and do not have the gap. I apologize for not researching your question more adequately before giving you the first answer."


        • Gary C.
          • October 1, 1982
          • 17404

          Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


          Thanks for posting Dave Hetizman's response. Knew it was possible for early 61, but didn't know the interior mirror change over carried into mid year.

          Dave's correct about hard to pin down production use change over dates. As an example there are several known last 50 VIN 57's that have both 56 and 58 parts on them. The 56 style parts were from cleaning out the bottom of the bins on parts that weren't used in 58.

          NCRS Texas Chapter



          • John F.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 24, 2008
            • 2389

            Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?

            Using the pencil point both of my 62s, interior & exterior mirrors, the points touch. Cars #00029 & #10975 if that helps.


            • Gary C.
              • October 1, 1982
              • 17404

              Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


              No contest on 62's interior/exterior mirrors.

              Pencil point test can sometimes be viewed wrong. Always best to use a credit or business card held perpendicular to the mirror and position your viewing angle half way between the mirror glass and card (45 degrees).


              NCRS Texas Chapter



              • John F.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 24, 2008
                • 2389

                Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?

                No gap with credt card on either one-just checked.


                • Mark S.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • August 1, 1983
                  • 646

                  Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                  You are very welcome! I have a late 56, Vin 4200; which has several 57 parts on it, so I am aware of the change-overs that the plant went through.




                  • Gary C.
                    • October 1, 1982
                    • 17404

                    Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                    Thanks for letting me know about your late '56. Couple of questions on your '546:
                    1) does it have a '57 rear spring (front) hangars
                    2) was the original stencil readable, if so what was the part number and date

                    Appreciate the info.

                    NCRS Texas Chapter



                    • Mark S.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • August 1, 1983
                      • 646

                      Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                      I can answer question 2. right away. The original stencil was not readable. The 56 has 59,000 original miles on it and I can trace all the information back to 1958. Jim Frakes and I compare a lot of notes , because he is the original owner of a late 56.




                      • Gary C.
                        • October 1, 1982
                        • 17404

                        Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                        Know Jim Frakes very well. Had the opportunity to Judge with and get to know Jim well in the 90's. True gentleman who has willingly shared his '56 knowledge with lots of us.

                        Let me know about the frame front spring hanger style. Thanks,

                        NCRS Texas Chapter



                        • Vinnie P.
                          Editor NCRS Restorer Magazine
                          • June 1, 1990
                          • 1539

                          Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?

                          Hi Mark...is there something I'm missing here...in one sentence, Dave Heitzman says "The one-owner 1961, VIN 06527, has the darker glass and gap. Based on this your 1961 VIN 06533 could have had either type glass in the interior mirror."

                          And the third sentence from the end says "Your later 1961 VIN 06533 would have had the lighter glass and no gap."...so earlier he says your car could have either and then later he says your car, which is only 6 cars after the one cited should be different?

                          I think I would ask for a clarification, appears confusing to me.



                          • Mark S.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • August 1, 1983
                            • 646

                            Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                            I had to go check my 56 to be sure. My original frame front spring hanger is of the 57 style. You may also be aware of my C1 spring article in the Restorer.




                            • Mark S.
                              Very Frequent User
                              • August 1, 1983
                              • 646

                              Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                              The first paragraph refers to 61 Interior mirrors and the next paragraph refers to 61 Exterior mirrors. Sorry for the confusion.




                              • Gary C.
                                • October 1, 1982
                                • 17404

                                Re: 1961-1962 vette Mirror Judging Question on mirror glass gap vs no gap?


                                Recall reading an article you wrote 5 years or so ago about C1 springs with Julian date photos.

                                Your '56 frame stencil would've been 303190-40 with a mid June date. 4026 stencil date was 6/12/56.

                                NCRS Texas Chapter



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