Folding top disassembly

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  • G A.
    • February 18, 2010
    • 229

    Folding top disassembly

    1. Underneath both rear vertical W/S, near the bottom, there is an aluminum(?) rivet holding a piece of rough woven cotton(?) which is attached to the top material. Does the rivet also attach the steel angle brace to the top frame or does it just hold the top/cotton to the frame. Can I safely drill the rivet out?

    2. Underneath the windshield header W/S steel attaching strip on each end, I find two large cross-point head screws. The screws also go through the top material. Can I expect the top header panel to come off when I remove these?

    3. Behind each rear vertical W/S on the inside of the frame, attached to the second screw from the bottom, I find a steel "L" bracket that is coated in heavy plastic/rubber. What does this do?

    Thanks!! Dan
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