Need advice on #3764318 Harmonic Balancer

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  • Bill B.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 1, 1993
    • 192

    Need advice on #3764318 Harmonic Balancer

    Where can I find 1959 - 61 harmonic balancer for a 1961 Corvette w/315hp fuel injection. Was told the 348 w/3x2 & 409 balancer are the same except timing mark needs to be relocated. Any guidance or suggestions. Bill
  • John N.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1975
    • 451

    Re: Need advice on #3764318 Harmonic Balancer

    I am quite sure the 62 409 balancer is not the same as the 61 315 FI balancer.


    • Bill B.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 1, 1993
      • 192

      Re: Need advice on #3764318 Harmonic Balancer

      John, Chevrolet parts book January 1961 says 1959-61 w/duntov cam Corvette & passenger cars use #3764318 also 348 w/3x2 & 1961 w/409 & service replacement for 57-58 w/duntov cam. Can be a typo, or I'm not reading it correctly.

      On second look, I see you replied as a 1962. I can then assume that the following year there was a change in balancer, correct or am I way off again? Bill
      Last edited by Bill B.; June 7, 2012, 04:45 PM. Reason: at first missed John's 1962 reply, my bad!


      • David L.
        • August 1, 1980
        • 3310

        Re: Need advice on #3764318 Harmonic Balancer

        GM # 3764318 was discontinued in Nov. 1962 and replaced with GM # 3817684 (62-65 Corvette base eng.) which was discontinued in Nov. 1964 and replaced with GM # 3861968 (65-66 Corvette base eng.) which was discontinued in Nov. 1965 and replaced with GM # 3861970 (66-67 Corvette base eng.) which was discontinued in June 1971 and replaced with GM # 3896904 as per Chevrolet Parts History.

        According to my 1963 Chev. Parts Catalog (Oct. 1962):
        61 PASS. (409) (1st design) - replacement is GM 3817684 (3764318 is the original part number)
        61-62 PASS. (409) (2nd design) - GM # 3796769 (hub 5 1/4" O.D.)



        • Cecil L.
          Very Frequent User
          • June 1, 1980
          • 449

          Re: Need advice on #3764318 Harmonic Balancer

          There's no difference in the timing marks. That was changed in 69 for long waterpump engines.
          The 409 balancer is not the same and looks more like the solid lifter 327 8" balancer, but the 409 is 7 ". Tthe solid lifter 348 balancer hub is the same as the solid lifter 283, but most of the 348 balancers, including the one I have on an original 60 335hp engine, have a drilled outer ring. I believe the 283 ring was solid.
          the 409 is the first pic.

          409 new Balancer.jpg348FHbalancer1.jpg348FHbalancer3.jpg348FHbalancer2.jpg


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