C2 Headlight Bucket - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 Headlight Bucket

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  • Paul J.
    • September 9, 2008
    • 2091

    C2 Headlight Bucket

    Is the outboard pivot ball (aka bearing) on the headlight panel (64) pressed onto the pivot shaft? When I look at it closely it looks like its threaded. The AIM implies that it is pressed on and the shop manual does too, but has no description of it. I also can't find anything on it in the archives.

  • Jim D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1985
    • 2882

    Re: C2 Headlight Bucket

    It should be loose on the shaft and is secured with a set screw.


    • Russ S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1982
      • 2158

      Re: C2 Headlight Bucket

      Originally posted by Jim Durham (8797)
      It should be loose on the shaft and is secured with a set screw.
      There is a collar with a set screw-the ball does not have a set screw.


      • Jim D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 30, 1985
        • 2882

        Re: C2 Headlight Bucket

        Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
        There is a collar with a set screw-the ball does not have a set screw.
        Oops. I forgot to add the part about the collar. It was early with little caffeine on board. The main point is that the ball is loose on the shaft and should easily slide off.


        • Domenic T.
          • January 28, 2010
          • 2452

          Re: C2 Headlight Bucket

          The guys are correct and if you need I have those parts out and would be glad to send any pics you need.



          • Paul J.
            • September 9, 2008
            • 2091

            Re: C2 Headlight Bucket

            Thanks guys, you've been a great help. The ball is frozen on the shaft. I'm going to use a little heat.


            • Hector G.
              Very Frequent User
              • October 31, 2004
              • 234

              Re: C2 Headlight Bucket

              Hi Paul, it may take a bit more than heat to loosen up. Just depends on how badly it's frozen on the shaft. It took several attempts on mine to loosen up.


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