Capacitor attached to 1960 Ammeter - NCRS Discussion Boards

Capacitor attached to 1960 Ammeter

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  • Frank B.
    Infrequent User
    • February 28, 1998
    • 9

    Capacitor attached to 1960 Ammeter

    Does anyone know the purpose of a rather large ( 1/2 " x 2" ) 200vdc capacitor that is attached to one post of the Amp gauge and a GND lug at the back of the instrument cluster on my 60?
    It has always been there and I'm unable to find it shown in any schematics or wiring diagrams. I'm wondering if it's a necessary item, or could be safely
    removed. Is it part of the grounding scheme that is throughout the car,eg. braided straps ? Also ,somewhere in my foggy brain I seem to remember seeing this
    item offered for sale. Any body else had the same dream?
    Thanks, Frank Bibbee
  • Jim D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1985
    • 2882

    Re: Capacitor attached to 1960 Ammeter

    It, along with all the other capacitors and ground straps, is shown in the AIM under the 102 radio option.


    • Frank B.
      Infrequent User
      • February 28, 1998
      • 9

      Re: Capacitor attached to 1960 Ammeter

      Thanks Jim, I looked it up. Now I can sleep.


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