C1 Clutch Rod - NCRS Discussion Boards

C1 Clutch Rod

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  • Philip P.
    • February 27, 2011
    • 558

    C1 Clutch Rod

    Which way doe the clutch rod from the pedal to the bracket go for normal operation. I took this out about 6 months ago and forgot to note which way the bend was. If it is in the ST-12 I missed it.
    Phil 1960
  • Bill M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1977
    • 1386

    Re: C1 Clutch Rod

    It's in Best of Corvette News page 373; it should hold water for normal operation.


    • Donald H.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 1, 2009
      • 2569

      Re: C1 Clutch Rod

      There's a picture in AIM section 6 sheet 7.00. Not real clean though. The bend goes down. It goes up if you are using the shorter clutch travel as referenced in the 58-60 Corvette Restoration Handbook:

      "Page 72 of the 1960 Corvette Operations Manual gives directions for adjusting the clutch from its regular 6.5-inch travel range down to a 4.5-inch travel, which permits the more rapid gear shifting some prefer in a performance automobile. The adjustment is made by removing the clutch screw and L bolt as shown on the left photograph below and replacing them in the position as shown on the right. Additionally, the clutch rod should be rotated 180 degrees so that the bend points upward. Consult the owners manual for specifics. The result is that the clutch pedal, instead of being even with the brake pedal, sits two inches lower, so the change is obvious."
      Last edited by Donald H.; May 23, 2012, 10:43 AM.
      Don Harris
      Current: 67 convertible Marina Blue L79
      Former: 60 Red/Red, 2x4, 245hp (Regional and National Top Flight 2013), 66 coupe Nassau Blue, L79 (Chapter and Regional Top Flight 2017)


      • Philip P.
        • February 27, 2011
        • 558

        Re: C1 Clutch Rod

        Thanks Don, I always forget about all the information in the Operation Manual. And thanks for the informative post that always helps.


        • Dennis C.
          Very Frequent User
          • June 30, 2002
          • 882

          Re: C1 Clutch Rod

          I have been looking at the bend in the rod for the normal setting of the clutch pedal in the AIM, Owners Guide, and the ST-12. I think I am seeing some different information and was hoping to obtain some clarity.

          The 1961 AIM, sheet 7 of section 6 shows the rod bent up and indicates to assemble bracket using holes B and slot C. I would assume this is the normal position. In the AIM, hole B is the forward most hole (to the clutch pedal).

          The Owners Guide shows a picture of the two holes and the slot. However, it indicates B is the slot and the forward hole is C. Further, it states for the shorter clutch pedal travel utilizes slot B and hole A (closest to engine compartment). The picture shows the bolts going in to the shorter pedal holes and the rod bent down.

          The ST-12, ndicates the same as the Owners Guide.

          If the Owners Guide and the ST-12 are talking about the shorter clutch pedal travel and indicates the bolts in hole A, slot B, and the rod pointed down; and the AIM talks about using hole B and slot C (I realize these are labeled different then the ST-12 & Owners Guide, but they are using the forward hole) and the rod is bent up, wouldn't this indicate the normal long clutch pedal position(rod bent up)?

          Thanks for the help.

          Last edited by Dennis C.; June 5, 2012, 08:45 PM. Reason: Spelling correction.


          • Donald H.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 1, 2009
            • 2569

            Re: C1 Clutch Rod

            Dennis, I've attached two pictures. The first from the 60 AIM. Looks like the rod is down in this view (but not real good view). The second picture is from the Owner's Manual and the rod bend is up.

            Also, as you indicated for the 61 AIM and Owner's Manual, the holes and slots are not consistently labelled between the AIM and Owners Manual, i.e. the AIM has the slot labelled a C and the Owners Manual has the slot labelled as B.
            Attached Files
            Don Harris
            Current: 67 convertible Marina Blue L79
            Former: 60 Red/Red, 2x4, 245hp (Regional and National Top Flight 2013), 66 coupe Nassau Blue, L79 (Chapter and Regional Top Flight 2017)


            • Philip P.
              • February 27, 2011
              • 558

              Re: C1 Clutch Rod

              I just put mine together the rod is down (hold water) (what a term) the travel is the 6 1/2" or pretty close, The bracket was in the postition shown in the attached picture.


              • Dennis C.
                Very Frequent User
                • June 30, 2002
                • 882

                Re: C1 Clutch Rod

                Originally posted by Donald Harris (51003)
                Dennis, I've attached two pictures. The first from the 60 AIM. Looks like the rod is down in this view (but not real good view). The second picture is from the Owner's Manual and the rod bend is up.

                Also, as you indicated for the 61 AIM and Owner's Manual, the holes and slots are not consistently labelled between the AIM and Owners Manual, i.e. the AIM has the slot labelled a C and the Owners Manual has the slot labelled as B.

                That's the same as the '61 AIM.




                • Dennis C.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • June 30, 2002
                  • 882

                  Re: C1 Clutch Rod

                  Originally posted by Philip Porter (53007)
                  I just put mine together the rod is down (hold water) (what a term) the travel is the 6 1/2" or pretty close, The bracket was in the postition shown in the attached picture.

                  Thanks, Philip.


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