65 seat belts, label question, early car. - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 seat belts, label question, early car.

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  • John R.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 2005
    • 433

    65 seat belts, label question, early car.

    I have seen Irving Air labels that say Corvette and others that say Chevrolet. Could the ones that say Chevrolet be installed in a corvette or are they passenger car? Can someone post a photo of the back side of the buckle as well? Want to see what stamps are on the backside of the buckle. What is the length of the webbing? This is an early car.

  • Tracy C.
    • July 31, 2003
    • 2739

    Re: 65 seat belts, label question, early car.

    65 lables will definitely read "Corvette" the Webbing length will be about 3 ft for the long straps and 2 ft for the short ones. Buckels are the same but there is a font/content change on the back from 64 to 65. Not sure of the exact time frame.



    • Wes S.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 31, 1982
      • 201

      Re: 65 seat belts, label question, early car.

      I apologize for the quality of the picture, but I think this is what you were asking about.


      • Wes S.
        Very Frequent User
        • May 31, 1982
        • 201

        Re: 65 seat belts, label question, early car.

        I try to find my original and take a picture with my camera.


        • Alan D.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 31, 2004
          • 2020

          Re: 65 seat belts, label question, early car.

          Had the same concerns on my 1964 and found -

          The "Chevrolet" labels will have the '63' date on them. That means they were made in 1963 & could have been on a Dec 1963 made 1964 corvette!

          The earlier belts were "Chevrolet" while later were the "Corvette". Just when the change is seen depends upon the color.
          For example known original Black belts have been reported on Jan64 cars as Corvette while the lesser used color such as White were still using the Chevrolet on an original Mar64 car.

          So you will have the same problem, ie if the belt is dated '64' it will still say "Corvette" then if dated '65' it will say "Chevrolet"
          Sorry unable to post pictures do to size limits.


          • Wayne M.
            • February 29, 1980
            • 6414

            Re: 65 seat belts, label question, early car.

            Here's a buckle who's ink stamp, I believe, says 10_24_64. The tag on the outboard side is completely gone.

            If the buckle was black, I don't see how a black stamp would show.

            Checked the outboard on black belt on my early '65 (late Sept/early Nov, depending on strike effect) and it says CORVETTE '64.

            Last edited by Wayne M.; May 31, 2012, 11:34 AM. Reason: add


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