Where does the black wire go?????

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  • Theodore K.
    • December 1, 1985
    • 214

    Where does the black wire go?????

    Still working on rewiring my 57. Have a new harness from electric limited. On the harness that goes to the ammeter...there are two red wires, one comes from the harness and the other has a short red lead with a connecdtor on the end. About 6" long. According to the AIM this goes to the cigerette lighter...Correct?? These connect to the ammeter on the right terminal if looking from the back of the dash. The other ammeter terminal (on the left) gets the ring connector with two black wires (right ?) and an extra black wire that has an uninsulated connector on the end. Where is this wire supposed to go? Cannot find anything that needs a wire. This black wire and the red wire that goes to the lighter are kind of clamped together if that helps define something. The insulated black wire & connector go to the cig lighter lamp. The lighter ground is connected to the insturment panel itself. I am sitting here scratching my head. Any clues anyone?

    There was a post that commented the ammeter terminals are shown backwards on the wiring diagram. But the post does not say if the AIM pictoral is correct or the diagram is correct. The ammeter will just read backwards if wrong but would like to get it right. Guess I have a 50% chance of being right.

    Wish the diagrams were clearer. Even the big one that comes from lectric limited is not clear for the most part.
    Appreciate all the help and suggestions. Makes the process easier.
  • Domenic T.
    • January 29, 2010
    • 2452

    Re: Where does the black wire go?????

    This may not be any help as you seem to have things ALMOST done.

    I am doing my C-2 vettes and the black ground and if I find a loop connector (un-insulated it go's under a screw to ground a relay or whatever grounds thru it's base.
    The all metal cars saved a lot of wire by grounding to the metal rather than running another wire to excite.

    The vette is full of black wires to ground these as they used many of the same components the metal car used.
    Now your puzzel is to find which one needs a ground.

    But as I said this may not help as you probably checked all, good luck.



    • Theodore K.
      • December 1, 1985
      • 214

      Re: Where does the black wire go?????

      Thanks for your comment. Actually I figured it out this morning. I was getting ready to call the company and grabbed the packing bag. There on the label it said "includes ground wire for Cigarette lighter... I had put the old one back on and never thought about it. It makes sense since it right there in that area. So mystery solved. Isn't amazing at how we can overlook the obvious....LOL.. Oh well, not the first and won't be the last time.


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