C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

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  • Don Z.
    • September 1, 1998
    • 254

    C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

    Hi; I need to re-build my right front caliper. I had re-built this one just over a year ago and about 1200 miles ago. I think the leak is my own fault. When I re-built it before, when installing one of the lip seals, one bent and I re-used the best looking one that I had removed. The other 3 new ones went in fine. My question: Since the caliper has only been re-built just over a year and little milage, do I need to re-build the entire caliper or is it OK to just re-build the leaking seal??
    Thank You
  • Bill W.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1977
    • 402

    Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

    No more than a rebuild costs, do all four holes. Is this a stainless steel caliper or one with original cast iron bores? If stainless, very little will be needed to recondition the bores. Cast iron (as long as there are no rust pits) can be LIGHTLY honed then install new seals on the pistons, lube with brake fluid and install.
    Those rubber lip seals have a habit of leaking over long periods of no use. If you will step on the brake pedal 2-3 times a month during periods of non-use you can extend the time between leaks. Better yet....drive it like you stole it! Bill


    • Michael G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 1, 1997
      • 1251

      Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

      Originally posted by Don Zullinger (30928)
      My question: Since the caliper has only been re-built just over a do I need to re-build the entire caliper or is it OK to just re-build the leaking seal??
      Thank You
      Don, if the others perform as they should then it would be reasonable to say why rebuild if they're working properly. My opinion would be "leave 'em alone". If it ain't broke, don't fix it.....move on.


      • Don Z.
        • September 1, 1998
        • 254

        Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

        Bill & Michael;
        Thanks for the thoughts. I do pump the brakes thru the winter months. Maybe this caused my leak!


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • February 1, 1988
          • 43133

          Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

          Originally posted by Don Zullinger (30928)
          Bill & Michael;
          Thanks for the thoughts. I do pump the brakes thru the winter months. Maybe this caused my leak!

          Have these calipers been previously sleeved?
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Don Z.
            • September 1, 1998
            • 254

            Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

            Yes Joe, they have been sleeved.


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • February 1, 1988
              • 43133

              Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

              Originally posted by Don Zullinger (30928)
              Yes Joe, they have been sleeved.

              Then likely all you will need are new seals assuming that the pistons were replaced on the recent rebuild. However, you should check the pistons for wear. The critical area is the area of the major diameter of the piston. This area forms a rather thin ring around the circumference of the piston. If there is any wear on this surface as evidenced by the wearing away of the greenish anodize, the piston should be replaced.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Don Z.
                • September 1, 1998
                • 254

                Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

                Yes Joe all of the pistons, rubber seals and lip seals ( except the one lip seal that I re-used as refered to in my 1st post) were replaced at last rebuild, just over a year ago.
                My original question was can I just replace the one seal and lip seal that may be leaking as long as all the other are dry and no signs of leaking?

                Also, just for clarification....Doesn't the widest part of the seal face the widest part of the piston??



                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • February 1, 1988
                  • 43133

                  Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

                  Originally posted by Don Zullinger (30928)
                  Yes Joe all of the pistons, rubber seals and lip seals ( except the one lip seal that I re-used as refered to in my 1st post) were replaced at last rebuild, just over a year ago.
                  My original question was can I just replace the one seal and lip seal that may be leaking as long as all the other are dry and no signs of leaking?

                  Also, just for clarification....Doesn't the widest part of the seal face the widest part of the piston??


                  Considering that the calipers were rebuilt relatively recently, you can replace just the leaking seal.

                  The lip on the seal should face the widest (rear) of the piston. Also, no part of the seal should cover the very small ridge at the rear of the seal groove
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • Don Z.
                    • September 1, 1998
                    • 254

                    Re: C-2 Caliper Re-Build Question

                    Thanks Joe and to all for your help.
                    Now its time to schedule some time to get-r-done.


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