Jullian dating on a 66 corvette power brakes master cylinder

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  • Joe A.
    Infrequent User
    • May 15, 2009
    • 1

    Jullian dating on a 66 corvette power brakes master cylinder

    I have a question about the jullian dating on my 1966 power brake master cylinder? My corvette's birthday is approximately May 2, 1966, and the Jullian dating on the power brake Master Cylinder
    is 116 (April 26, 1966). This only leaves six days? Is this acceptable in the Judging field or should I start looking for a new Master cylinder? Thanks for any help!
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: Jullian dating on a 66 corvette power brakes master cylinder

    I would say it is acceptable.


    • Rob M.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 1, 2003
      • 656

      Re: Jullian dating on a 66 corvette power brakes master cylinder

      Hi Joe,

      My May 6th car has a starter dated May 2 and I am fairly certain it is original to the car. I can't believe how many parts only have a week or two between casting and build.

      I wouldn't change your master cylinder.

      '66 327/300 Regional Top Flt
      '08 6 speed coupe


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