63 wheels with/without ridges??

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  • Bruce D.
    Frequent User
    • September 1, 1980
    • 87

    63 wheels with/without ridges??

    As i understand it, the 1963 wheels have to 2 ridges by the valve stem holes (one on each side) to help hold the hubcaps in place. Has anyone seen the same wheel with the same slanted cone style on the inside but without the ridges by the valve stem holes?
  • Mel H.
    Frequent User
    • November 22, 2010
    • 92

    Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??

    I've not seen any.. but that doesnt mean they dont exist. Could they be '62/prior? Or service replacements? I'm not sure if earlier wheels had the ridges, but were no wheels with slants after '64 due to disk brakes.. which is why I suspect earlier years.

    Are they welded or riveted? (Earlier are riveted) Are there any stamped dates in the interior (under the tire)? Most, but not all, '63 wheels had stamped dates under the tire. Also, 63s had "GM" stamped into the ridges on the wheel face between the bolt holes... and I think center hole size is 2.62"?). Again, these indicate '63 wheels

    Maybe someone else can provide better info.


    • Tracy C.
      • August 1, 2003
      • 2739

      Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??

      Most all 15" GM wheels prior to 63 have the tapered "cone" configuration on the back side and none of them had the bumps at the valve core hole. Except for the RPO 276 "wide" wheel, the pre 63 wheels were only 5 inches wide.



      • Mike M.
        NCRS Past President
        • June 1, 1974
        • 8334

        Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??

        ther 63 service replacement wheels available in the 70's and 80's had the pair of protrusions alonside the valve stem hole.mike


        • Tracy C.
          • August 1, 2003
          • 2739

          Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??

          Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
          ther 63 service replacement wheels available in the 70's and 80's had the pair of protrusions alonside the valve stem hole.mike
          yup..those 8080 service replacement wheels look just like 63/4 wheels on the face side, but the backside is different and detectable by exterior judges.

          65/66 wheels also have the same two bumps at the valve core hole.

          BTW Mikie, will I see your arse in Sandy Eggo this year?


          • Mike M.
            NCRS Past President
            • June 1, 1974
            • 8334

            Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??

            Originally posted by Tracy Crisler (40411)
            yup..those 8080 service replacement wheels look just like 63/4 wheels on the face side, but the backside is different and detectable by exterior judges.

            65/66 wheels also have the same two bumps at the valve core hole.

            BTW Mikie, will I see your arse in Sandy Eggo this year?
            doubt we'll make san diego as lea and i just returned from a 7400 mile(in a small RV) cross country trip where we visited with billy c, john amgwert , dennis clark and our son mike who lives 19 niles from the dipstick. will make the national in hampyon va (it'll be the year of the 63) so drag yer 63 east for that one.mike


            • Bruce D.
              Frequent User
              • September 1, 1980
              • 87

              Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??

              How about a wheel that has the correct back side but no ridges? Are the ridges detectable with the hub caps on?


              • Tracy C.
                • August 1, 2003
                • 2739

                Re: 63 wheels with/without ridges??


                The 63/4 wheels are 5.5" wide and earlier wheels are only 5". A Savy exterior judge can detect the difference by reaching around and feeling the taper or if skinny enough by sliding under and viewing the back side. The taper on a 5" wheel is about 2" long and 5.5" wheel has about a 2.75" taper.

                The bumps at the valve core cannot be seen with the wheel cover on. You might fool some judges with earlier wheels on the car, but the spare will be a give away.



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