Another CAD plating question

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  • Bill L.
    • February 1, 2004
    • 1403

    Another CAD plating question

    I am in the process of separating the rear suspension hardware by finish.

    Most of the hardware is in very nice shape for 40 years old.

    The hardware that is CAD plated is very bright with maybe even a blueish tint. When I had a few parts re-plated a while back the CAD was more silver without the blueish tint. In fact the original hardware looks like it is zinc plated and not CAD plated. Did the CAD plating back in the day more closely resemble bright zinc?

    The bolts where it is most obvious are the long bolts that attach the front differential mount to the differential.

    I am 100% certain this is original hardware.

    If so, what is recommended for replicating the original CAD finish? Should I have it done in bright zinc?

    Thanks, Bill
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: Another CAD plating question

    Most of the hardware on early C3s that is silver colored is NOT cadmium plated (in spite of what the TIM&JG says). The most common silver colored plating "back in the day" was bright zinc. That said the only way to know for sure is to have the existing finish chemically analyzed. Unless you are employed in a place where you can get that done gratis, it is not within the reach of most of us.

    In spite of their claims to the contrary most people can not visually tell the difference between cad and zinc plating, and that is especially true after the piece has aged for a year or two.

    If you think those pieces are cad plated do not put them on a wire wheel. The dust from cad plating is very hazardous to your driving your Corvette or any other car for long. That is why cad plating is not so easy to find now days, and expensive when you can find it.


    • Bill L.
      • February 1, 2004
      • 1403

      Re: Another CAD plating question

      Thanks Terry.

      You confirmed what my eyes told me. In areas where the hardware was well protected it certainly appears more like bright zinc than CAD. To me CAD has a be duller and more silver color when new.

      No access to chemical analysis available here.

      Decisions decisions.



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