Keyed 12v source for electric choke

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  • Nick F.
    • September 1, 2010
    • 46

    Keyed 12v source for electric choke

    My 65 convert has an electric choke as part of the Holley carb (not original). I running a Pertronix Electronic ignition so I'm not using the ballast resistor in the circuit. Holley doesn't recommend wiring across the coil (+) due to voltage drops. Any ideas as to where I can find a 12v keyed source so I can hookup my electric choke? It doesn't seem that the extra prongs in my fuse block has anything that's a keyed 12 v.
  • Stuart F.
    • September 1, 1996
    • 4676

    Re: Keyed 12v source for electric choke


    I have a similar set up on my 63 convert, only mine is an aftermarket electric choke on an AFB. The instructions with my choke said to connect to the hot "ignition controlled" wire to the windshield wiper motor. That is what I did using in inline wire splice to make it easy (rather than double up wires in the connector). It works fine. The instructions also said NOT to connect it to the coil, just like yours. I too have a Pertronix II conversion that requires the full 12 volt ignition, so I merely jumpered around my ballast resistor (with a black wire around the back so it is not too noticeable).

    The choke kit I'm using I bought back in the 70's or 80's and uses a thermal sensor to control the voltage to the choke. I don't believe you can get those any more. The other nice thing about it is that the bimetallic spring in the choke "captures" the pull off tang thereby pulling and pushing the choke linkage. Other units merely push the choke closed and rely on the pull off mechanism to open it. As a result, my unit is more able to control the choke to the engines needs based on engine temperature. The basic electric chokes tend to pull off too soon.

    I know you didn't need to know all this, but at least I answered your question in my first paragraph. Best of luck.

    Stu Fox


    • Clem Z.
      • January 1, 2006
      • 9427

      Re: Keyed 12v source for electric choke

      you can tap into the "keyed" 12 volt line that goes to the altenator


      • Nick F.
        • September 1, 2010
        • 46

        Re: Keyed 12v source for electric choke

        Stu, Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try this as soon as I get my new engine harness installed. As for the explanation, I think it's great when we can share our knowledge and experiences with our cars and then some. I always enjoy reading "behind the scenes". Thank you for your time and effort


        • Nick F.
          • September 1, 2010
          • 46

          Re: Keyed 12v source for electric choke

          Originally posted by Clem Zahrobsky (45134)
          you can tap into the "keyed" 12 volt line that goes to the altenator
          Clem, thanks for that tip also. I'm sure I can "snake" a wire along the harness so it's not hangin' out there!


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