value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight - NCRS Discussion Boards

value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

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  • Terry L.
    • March 14, 2010
    • 53

    value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

    I have been adding up the cost of going to the National in San Diego, I have a Top Flight at Regional. Are National Top Flight worth more that Regional Top Flight cars? I would have think the National cars are worth more, but how much more? Thanks for your info
  • Chris E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 2, 2006
    • 1322

    Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

    There is probably some more prestige between a Regional and National Top Flight car. But it is almost the same group of judges that are at Regionals that go to Nationals. So from that perspective, the value shouldn't change much.

    If you're doing a cost analysis on it because you're thinking about selling the car very shortly, I'd just stop where you are and put the car on the market and see what kind of interest you get. A Regional Top Flight is a big deal, and a big change over a Chapter Top Flight. I would say you have already realized a great deal of the incremental value of the car by getting the Regional TF.
    Chris Enstrom
    North Central Chapter Judging Chairman
    1967 Rally Red convertible, 327/350, 4 speed, Duntov @ Hampton in 2013, Founders @ KC in 2014, family owned since 1973
    2011 Z06, red/red


    • Kenneth B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 31, 1984
      • 2083

      Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

      Originally posted by Terry Lewis (51548)
      I have been adding up the cost of going to the National in San Diego, I have a Top Flight at Regional. Are National Top Flight worth more that Regional Top Flight cars? I would have think the National cars are worth more, but how much more? Thanks for your info
      SORRY but this is not what NCRS is about. The awards are for people that restore there Corvettes to what they looked like when new because they love the cars. To me this is what is running the fun we all had years ago. It was NEVER ABOUT THE MONEY! back in the day. Now High rollers buy a Corvette Pay East Cost restores get it top flighted & go to BJ to get big money. Now it is all about the money. SAD
      65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


      • Larry S.
        • March 11, 2007
        • 457

        Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

        Very interesting, Chris. You answered the question that I likewise had been pondering. My car has Chapter Top Flight (98.3 Total Score), which I don't think has much significance, but it also has Regional Top Flight (95.0 Total Score). I have agonized over going to the trouble and expense of having it judged nationally, and it appears that it just isn't cost-effective. Upon readin my post, it may seem that I have no love for the car, only it's value, but let me assure you that isn't the case.


        • Rick G.
          Very Frequent User
          • February 28, 1983
          • 269

          Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

          Originally posted by Larry Spencer (47114)
          Very interesting, Chris. You answered the question that I likewise had been pondering. My car has Chapter Top Flight (98.3 Total Score), which I don't think has much significance, but it also has Regional Top Flight (95.0 Total Score). I have agonized over going to the trouble and expense of having it judged nationally, and it appears that it just isn't cost-effective. Upon readin my post, it may seem that I have no love for the car, only it's value, but let me assure you that isn't the case.

          I am disappointed that you don't think your Chapter Top Flight award has "much significance". I have spent countless hours judging at Chapter events. I would personally find it offensive if I didn't think the results of the judging teams were not significant to the owner.

          I also agree with Kenneth, to the true hobbyist, it is and has never been about the money. I enjoy the cars for what they are and represent about our time in history.

          Rick Gower


          • Mike E.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • February 28, 1975
            • 5115

            Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

            that may be true for some, but certainly not for all. I know a lot of people who are enthusiasts, as am I. I also have a family budget, so I have to participate carefully.
            i think you painted with too broad a brush.
            Originally posted by Kenneth Barry (7808)
            SORRY but this is not what NCRS is about. The awards are for people that restore there Corvettes to what they looked like when new because they love the cars. To me this is what is running the fun we all had years ago. It was NEVER ABOUT THE MONEY! back in the day. Now High rollers buy a Corvette Pay East Cost restores get it top flighted & go to BJ to get big money. Now it is all about the money. SAD


            • Dick W.
              Former NCRS Director Region IV
              • June 30, 1985
              • 10483

              Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

              Originally posted by Mike Ernst (211)
              that may be true for some, but certainly not for all. I know a lot of people who are enthusiasts, as am I. I also have a family budget, so I have to participate carefully.
              i think you painted with too broad a brush.
              Reverend Mike, I too attend meets as an enthusiast, but more importantly for the people. The camaraderie, fellowship, interaction is what I really come for. I just use the cars for a reason to go to a meet
              Dick Whittington


              • Terry M.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • September 30, 1980
                • 15543

                Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                Originally posted by Kenneth Barry (7808)
                SORRY but this is not what NCRS is about. The awards are for people that restore there Corvettes to what they looked like when new because they love the cars. To me this is what is running the fun we all had years ago. It was NEVER ABOUT THE MONEY! back in the day. Now High rollers buy a Corvette Pay East Cost restores get it top flighted & go to BJ to get big money. Now it is all about the money. SAD
                I am with Ken on this one -- and while Rev Mike takes offense I know he is a true enthusiast and in spite of some of the cars he has owned, and does own Mike is in it because he loves the cars. I have seen that look in his eyes.

                We all have budgets. Hans Norberg once told me: "There are rich people, and there are world class rich people." The budgets are all relative.

                I stayed out of the graying thread and watched all the talk about money go back and forth -- and I remembered the days when we were all hobbyists and ALL the Corvettes were just used cars. Special used cars, that we loved. The auctions and TV and speculators hadn't infested the territory. It was the best of times, and we didn't even know it. It doesn't matter if there is no one to buy my Corvettes. I don't care. It is only those who care about their "investment" who will be hurt if there is no one to carry on. As we used to say in the military: TS.

                What is a Top Flight worth? Last time I checked the ribbons were all the same price -- about $8, and the certificate probably costs a nickel or dime. That is what it is worth.


                • Don G.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • February 28, 1989
                  • 251

                  Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                  Anyone who participates in NCRS activities for the purpose of financial gain will be disappointed. Anyone who participates for the love of the cars and the comraderie of other enthusiasts will be richly rewarded. I am particularly thankful to master judges like Terry M, Marvin B. and others that have spent $30,000 or more with no thought of financial return so we can enjoy the hobby and make our cars the best they can be.


                  • Larry S.
                    • March 11, 2007
                    • 457

                    Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                    Originally posted by Charles Gower (6398)

                    I am disappointed that you don't think your Chapter Top Flight award has "much significance". I have spent countless hours judging at Chapter events. I would personally find it offensive if I didn't think the results of the judging teams were not significant to the owner.

                    I also agree with Kenneth, to the true hobbyist, it is and has never been about the money. I enjoy the cars for what they are and represent about our time in history.

                    Rick Gower
                    Rick, I'm sorry I didn't make myself more clear. I mean "not much significance" as it relates to value. That is what the OP was talking about: Whether a Top Flight award at a Regional vs. a National judging made much difference as to monetary value of the car. I don't think it does, hence my post. I did not mean to infer at all that the hard work put into a Chapter judging mean almost nothing. My apologies.


                    • Terry M.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • September 30, 1980
                      • 15543

                      Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                      It isn't about what it costs. There is no way one could buy the experiences and friendships that come from the passion for this automobile. You have been right there with us, and shared your professional experiences with us too. We all have learned form you. How else would one meet all these wonderful people, if not for the shared common interest. Carl Strohm once told me: "You have to be there (he meant NCRS events) to experience what happens. Telling the story is a poor second." Carl was wise beyond his years.


                      • Rick G.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • February 28, 1983
                        • 269

                        Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                        Originally posted by Larry Spencer (47114)
                        Rick, I'm sorry I didn't make myself more clear. I mean "not much significance" as it relates to value. That is what the OP was talking about: Whether a Top Flight award at a Regional vs. a National judging made much difference as to monetary value of the car. I don't think it does, hence my post. I did not mean to infer at all that the hard work put into a Chapter judging mean almost nothing. My apologies.
                        Hi Larry,

                        Thank you for the clarification. No apology is necessary. As so many have said, the cars bring us together but the friendship is what keeps us coming back. The NCRS is among the greatest of car organizations. The amount of dedication and commitment of it's members is second to none. Those few members who are in our organization strictly for financial rewards are really missing a lot. Dick summed it up best for many of us "The camaraderie, fellowship, interaction is what I really come for". It's hard to fine better friends and nicer people than, Dick, Rev. Mike, Terry, Don and so many more. Some of whom I have yet to meet or have only met once or twice but thru their dedication and commmitment to our organization they feel like they are great friends. Thanks again.



                        • Terry M.
                          Beyond Control Poster
                          • September 30, 1980
                          • 15543

                          Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                          Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
                          I am with Ken on this one -- and while Rev Mike takes offense I know he is a true enthusiast and in spite of some of the cars he has owned, and does own Mike is in it because he loves the cars. I have seen that look in his eyes.

                          We all have budgets. Hans Norberg once told me: "There are rich people, and there are world class rich people." The budgets are all relative.

                          I stayed out of the graying thread and watched all the talk about money go back and forth -- and I remembered the days when we were all hobbyists and ALL the Corvettes were just used cars. Special used cars, that we loved. The auctions and TV and speculators hadn't infested the territory. It was the best of times, and we didn't even know it. It doesn't matter if there is no one to buy my Corvettes. I don't care. It is only those who care about their "investment" who will be hurt if there is no one to carry on. As we used to say in the military: TS.

                          What is a Top Flight worth? Last time I checked the ribbons were all the same price -- about $8, and the certificate probably costs a nickel or dime. That is what it is worth.
                          Edit add: I am out of date on the certificates. I have been informed that they are $0.75 each. It HAS been a while since I was a chapter Judging chairman and inflation has set in. However, like the ribbons ALL the certificates are the same price. So any flight award is worth the same money.


                          • Don H.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • November 30, 1981
                            • 1473

                            Re: value of Regional Top Flight compaired to National Top Flight

                            Terry, You are right on. The value is secondary to the "true enthusiast." In many ways I wish the cars were not worth as much as they are, that would eliminate some people but keep most (I hope). Don H.


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