Correct 2" Guillotine exhaust clamp for 69' SB

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  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: Correct 2" Guillotine exhaust clamp for 69' SB

    Originally posted by David Liukkonen (3775)
    Pictured below is a NOS 3" U-bolt with a "flattened rounded U part" that I bought from my local Chev. dealer many years ago. I do not remember the part number. There is a raised letter "W" on the flattened part. I have never seen a 2", 2 1/4", or 2 1/2" U-bolt like this one.


    The flattened style 2" and 2-1/2" u-bolts were used in PRODUCTION and were once available in SERVICE but they have not been available for quite awhile. The 2" was discontinued in July, 1987 and the 2-1/2" was discontinued in October, 1992.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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