Remove rust from frame

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  • John C.
    • March 16, 2012
    • 9

    Remove rust from frame

    What is the best method to remove all of the rust from my 1957 frame?
  • Tom D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 1, 1981
    • 2101

    Re: Remove rust from frame

    JOHN: There is a place near the Detroit airport that will dip it - Their process removes all the rust. Then you have to pick it up, and proceed to do some work...
    Michigan Chapter
    Tom Dingman


    • Andy C.
      Frequent User
      • June 1, 1987
      • 71

      Re: Remove rust from frame

      The best way to remove rust from any heavy metal is by sand blasting! If the frame is boxed in, I would chemically have it stripped first and then sand blast it. If you have it chemically stripped make sure they neutralize the stripper used as it may blead out later on and mess up your paint. Over all sandblasting is great on a frame as it leaves a good surface for the paint to grab onto. Good luck! Andy


      • John C.
        • March 16, 2012
        • 9

        Re: Remove rust from frame

        Thank you! How do you make sure that the chemicals from the dipping process are completely neutralized? Also, has anyone used American Metal Cleaning in Toledo, OH?


        • Paul J.
          • September 10, 2008
          • 2091

          Re: Remove rust from frame

          John, blasting with a fairly agressive media is the best way, as Andy suggests. This will remove the paint and the rust. You can chemically clean the inside of any boxed sections if you wish, or just use one of the rust neutralizers/encapsulators that has been discussed here before (check the archives).



          • John C.
            • March 16, 2012
            • 9

            Re: Remove rust from frame

            I really appreciate all of the responses. I'm still really struggling with the decission of if I should have the frame "dip electrolytic derusted" or just sand blast the outside and chemically treat the inside.I have searched the archives about the different neutralizers/encapsulators to see what would be the best to use if I decide not to have it dipped. Many of the archives are several years old. I have also read a number of the posts about the Eastman products and the only negative responses seem to be about how expensive the products are and that they do not consider them to be of any better quality than the commercially available similar products that sell at much lower prices. I would like to find out how some of these products are holding up after several years of service. Thank you!


            • Terry M.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • October 1, 1980
              • 15541

              Re: Remove rust from frame

              Want the ultimate protection for your frame? Chemical strip and hot dip galvanize. Guarantee it will outlast you and your progeny. Sadly, it may not pass judging because the galvanized finish is not smooth enough for the judges. If you have a Corvette you want to preserve and will not have it judged -- hot dip galvanizing is your answer. Not too expensive either -- $300 for my Chevelle frame. They charge by weight and $300 was the minimum charge.


              • Stephen L.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • June 1, 1984
                • 3146

                Re: Remove rust from frame

                This is a freshly "Chemically dipped" frame..... clean inside and out. Just needs paint and its good to go. Chemically stripping gets into the areas between metal layers where rust prevails.... it won't "alter" the surface of the metal. My frame still has the weld slag left over from fabrication. Much of this would be gone with sandblasting. Even the frame number was left it was somewhat etched in the metal
                Attached Files


                • Timothy B.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • May 1, 1983
                  • 5172

                  Re: Remove rust from frame


                  Your frame looks nice, IMO that's the way to go. How much did that job cost you?


                  • Stephen L.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 1, 1984
                    • 3146

                    Re: Remove rust from frame

                    The photos are about 6 yrs old.... Cost was about $350 back then with the wheels


                    • Ron G.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • December 1, 1984
                      • 861

                      Re: Remove rust from frame

                      I have had several Corvette frames stripped over the years. However, there like anything else, there are pro and cons. Media blasting will ensure good adhering, but the media will not get inside the frame and will also get stuck inside the rails. I personally like to chemically dip strip the frame as it gets into all crevices and thourhgly strips rust and paint from everywhere. As far as it bleeding out, this is true, but it will need to be nutrulized. Also, if you pursue this avenue let the frame sit in a climate controlled enviroment if possible and the left over chemical will bleed out within a couple weeks. Then wash it down with lacquer thinner to remove any bleed out and to clean the frame just before painting it.
                      "SOLID LIFTERS MATTER"


                      • John C.
                        • March 16, 2012
                        • 9

                        Re: Remove rust from frame

                        Thank you for all of the great information. The next question would be what is the best coating system to use once I have it stripped down to bare metal? My frame I'm sure will show rust pits once it is cleaned. I want to use a system that will allow me to either pre-fill the pits and/or block sand to make it look like new again. Should I try to skim coat with something like JB Weld or All Metal? What type of paint or top coat should I use to finish with? I would also like recommendations for the misc under body parts like stone guards and suspension parts?


                        • Ron G.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • December 1, 1984
                          • 861

                          Re: Remove rust from frame


                          Although A.O. Smith did not use a primer, I recommend a black epoxy primer before applying the top coat. The original paint on your 1957 was an asphalt base, but you need to know what your objective is before painting the frame. If you are only going to drive the car occasioanlly and have it judged, then you may want to use an original asphalt type of coating. if you really plan on driving the car and if it is ever going to be exposed to the elements, then you should consider using a more durable product. There are many out there and several NCRS members on this discussion board that can recommend a non original paint. As far as suspension components are comcerned, I am not a 1957 judge, but can provide some posotove feed back on what to use as far as black paint and how to protect the bare metal parts. My email is on my profile if you care to take this further. Good luck.

                          - Ron
                          "SOLID LIFTERS MATTER"


                          • Al E.
                            • September 6, 2011
                            • 313

                            Re: Remove rust from frame

                            Originally posted by Stephen Lavigne (7553)
                            This is a freshly "Chemically dipped" frame..... clean inside and out. Just needs paint and its good to go. Chemically stripping gets into the areas between metal layers where rust prevails.... it won't "alter" the surface of the metal. My frame still has the weld slag left over from fabrication. Much of this would be gone with sandblasting. Even the frame number was left it was somewhat etched in the metal
                            Now .. that's clean. Funny how it stripped the rust.. if there was any.. but did not take the stencil paint off..
                            I had a buddy that has a 55 and he had it dipped.. kinda looked like this one, man it was clean. But,a few years later it rusted from the inside out. He was not able to get the paint inside the frame rails. So he had to take it off and re-dip it had dipped it a coating and all was well..


                            • Steven L.
                              • August 17, 2012
                              • 6

                              Re: Remove rust from frame

                              Where did you get your frame dipped?


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