1970 zr-1

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  • Les G.
    • December 5, 2008
    • 158

    1970 zr-1

    How can you tell a if a 1970 is really a ZR-1, I was in Atlantic City this past weekend and they were auctioning off a 1970 ZR-1. I spoke to the Original Owner?? and he said it is differently a ZR-1, but the block is a CE replacement as he had blown the engine and GM replaced it.
    It is missing the spare tire and tub as he said it did don't come with the car originally it looked like it had the right radiator, radio delete, the car was also repainted a metallic paint. He stated the car was originally Marlboro Maroon. Some people might have seen this car before.
    There is alot wrong with the car as far a NCRS, but my curiousity is getting the better of me.
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: 1970 zr-1

    Originally posted by Les Goldberg (49765)
    How can you tell a if a 1970 is really a ZR-1, I was in Atlantic City this past weekend and they were auctioning off a 1970 ZR-1. I spoke to the Original Owner?? and he said it is differently a ZR-1, but the block is a CE replacement as he had blown the engine and GM replaced it.
    It is missing the spare tire and tub as he said it did don't come with the car originally it looked like it had the right radiator, radio delete, the car was also repainted a metallic paint. He stated the car was originally Marlboro Maroon. Some people might have seen this car before.
    There is alot wrong with the car as far a NCRS, but my curiousity is getting the better of me.
    If this Corvette came originally without a spare (whether it is really a ZR1 or not) it is very rare. And FWIW every ZR1 I have ever seen (and ZR2s as well) came originally with a spare tire, so he has a most unusual Corvette.

    And just to fill in some blanks I have seen a C2 that came originally with an extra differential in the storage area, but that is another story and not germane to this discussion.


    • Les G.
      • December 5, 2008
      • 158

      Re: 1970 zr-1

      Terry, that is what he was telling me, I was very suspect as to what he was saying there was alot of discrepancies of what I found and what he was telling me.


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • October 1, 1980
        • 15541

        Re: 1970 zr-1

        Originally posted by Les Goldberg (49765)
        Terry, that is what he was telling me, I was very suspect as to what he was saying there was alot of discrepancies of what I found and what he was telling me.
        Back when I was NTL (National Team Leader) I used to get calls form folks who thought, or were told, they had ZR1s. Especially those who spotted the drain plug on the transmission and thought that meant they had an M22. If they were lucky they had and LT1, but more often they just had a small block to which someone added an intake and a Holley and a hood. Then there were those folks with the 1971 CJK engines who thought they had LT1 automatics. It was no fun to let them down either. Many just don't want to believe the truth either. There are all kinds of stories out there, and I am sure the C2 people run into their share of would-be L88 and L89s also. It is just the human condition to hope for the best/most.


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • February 1, 1988
          • 43129

          Re: 1970 zr-1

          Originally posted by Les Goldberg (49765)
          How can you tell a if a 1970 is really a ZR-1, I was in Atlantic City this past weekend and they were auctioning off a 1970 ZR-1. I spoke to the Original Owner?? and he said it is differently a ZR-1, but the block is a CE replacement as he had blown the engine and GM replaced it.
          It is missing the spare tire and tub as he said it did don't come with the car originally it looked like it had the right radiator, radio delete, the car was also repainted a metallic paint. He stated the car was originally Marlboro Maroon. Some people might have seen this car before.
          There is alot wrong with the car as far a NCRS, but my curiousity is getting the better of me.

          Without documentation or, at least, a legitimate engine pad stamping there is no way to determine with certainty if a car is an original ZR-1. Everything else can be added to a car (or, claims made that the car once had the ZR-1 components but they have been removed).

          The chances that the car you describe is an original ZR-1? I would say about as close to ZERO as you can get.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Ron G.
            Very Frequent User
            • December 1, 1984
            • 861

            Re: 1970 zr-1

            If you have the serial number we can see if it is currently on the ZR-1 survey. As for not having a spare tire tub, I'm with Terry as I have never heard of a C3 or any other Corvette not being delivered without one from the factory.


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • February 1, 1988
              • 43129

              Re: 1970 zr-1

              Originally posted by Ron Goduti (8076)
              I'm with Terry as I have never heard of a C3 or any other Corvette not being delivered without one from the factory.


              ...nor would there have been any reason for Chevrolet to have delivered a car without a spare tire carrier and/or tire. If someone wanted to remove the carrier and/or tire for racing purposes, they could very easily accomplish that.

              To accomplish the elimination of the spare tire carrier and/or tire would have required a COPO. Now, why would anyone go to all the trouble of doing that just to achieve something they could easily do themselves and which, if it resulted in any cost savings at all, would be minimal and not worth the effort?

              Most likely, this assertion is total "speculation" (i.e. B.S.)
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Patrick B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • September 1, 1985
                • 1980

                Re: 1970 zr-1

                If the car had a M-22 with an original looking stamp of its VIN, a small bellhousing with the aluminum snout high torque starter and one or two correctly dated LT-1 heads on the CE block. it would be quite a teaster. What about the tank sticker?


                • Ron G.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • December 1, 1984
                  • 861

                  Re: 1970 zr-1

                  "SOLID LIFTERS MATTER"


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