MID YR Side Window, was there a Fixture?

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  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1985
    • 4232

    MID YR Side Window, was there a Fixture?

    I guess this question is for John or Mike since they were there at the time. Was there a fixture to set the position of the side window glass into the lower rail that secures the window to the bottom guide rail? If so is coupe and convertible the same? I'm asking since this would be helpful in obtaining a smooth window operation and position of the vent window assembly in the door (convertible). This has been a trial and error for me for years on each car.

    I would assume there is an engineering set dimension from the rear channel guide surface to the front edge of the glass. Since the glass can fit anywhere along the length of the channel a fixture could position it. This would complement the rear channel nominal design spacing to the front vent window channel.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: MID YR Side Window, was there a Fixture?

    Originally posted by Gene Manno (8571)
    I guess this question is for John or Mike since they were there at the time. Was there a fixture to set the position of the side window glass into the lower rail that secures the window to the bottom guide rail? If so is coupe and convertible the same?
    Gene -

    Yes, there was an off-line bench-mounted fixture on the Hard Trim Line that pressed the bottom edge of the glass into the sash with a strip of glass-setting tape, but I don't recall the dimension from the front edge of the sash to the front edge of the glass.


    • Gene M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 1, 1985
      • 4232

      Re: MID YR Side Window, was there a Fixture?

      Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
      Gene -

      Yes, there was an off-line bench-mounted fixture on the Hard Trim Line that pressed the bottom edge of the glass into the sash with a strip of glass-setting tape, but I don't recall the dimension from the front edge of the sash to the front edge of the glass.
      Thru actual fitting trial and error the dimension from the rear edge of the sash to the front edge of the glass is 20.75".
      If you assemble it bigger than this dimension the effort to crank window up is too high. Also the vent window will seat too far forward and have issues against the windshield post. Too small and glass fits sloppy in channels.


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