C2 core support paint question clarification - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 core support paint question clarification

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  • Hector G.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 2004
    • 234

    C2 core support paint question clarification

    Was the radiator core support painted semi-gloss black or flat black? According to the latest edition of 1966 TIM & Judging Guide (Guide), on page 162, the Guide indicates that the "core supports...[were] painted semi-gloss black." It goes on to note that "The assembly was in place prior to the factory body blackout paint process and therefore matching the inner fender skirt finish." (emphasis added) Seems pretty straight forward, however, on page 154, the Guide states that the "Under hood surfaces; including firewall, inner fender skirts...have a flat black finish from the blackout procedure." (emphasis added) This would suggest that the core support was painted flat black. Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

  • Michael H.
    • January 28, 2008
    • 7477

    Re: C2 core support paint question clarification


    All under hood and engine compartment fiberglass items were painted semi gloss black.


    • William C.
      NCRS Past President
      • May 31, 1975
      • 6037

      Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

      Same process, at the same time, same painters, same gun. Should all match, with allowances for distance from the gun, metal vs fiberglass surfaces etc.
      Bill Clupper #618


      • Scott S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 11, 2009
        • 1961

        Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

        Originally posted by Hector Guzman (42881)
        Was the radiator core support painted semi-gloss black or flat black? According to the latest edition of 1966 TIM & Judging Guide (Guide), on page 162, the Guide indicates that the "core supports...[were] painted semi-gloss black." It goes on to note that "The assembly was in place prior to the factory body blackout paint process and therefore matching the inner fender skirt finish." (emphasis added) Seems pretty straight forward, however, on page 154, the Guide states that the "Under hood surfaces; including firewall, inner fender skirts...have a flat black finish from the blackout procedure." (emphasis added) This would suggest that the core support was painted flat black. Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

        Hector, Michael and Bill,

        If I understand correctly, the radiator support was painted by the manufacturer before it arrived at St. Louis (or AO Smith). The Judging Guides indicate that the original radiator support paint was semi-gloss black. The radiator support is then installed before the underhood blackout process, so much of the semi-gloss black core support would be covered with blackout paint, but since they weren't particularly careful, I suspect areas of the underlying semi-gloss black paint would still be visible.

        About the blackout paint, I have it written in my notes several times that the original underhood blackout paint was flattened black lacquer, the same as used for the wheel wells, and it was "flat to semi-flat, definitely not semi-gloss".

        Is this not correct, or where am I going wrong?


        • Michael H.
          • January 28, 2008
          • 7477

          Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

          Originally posted by Scott Smith (50839)
          Hector, Michael and Bill,

          If I understand correctly, the radiator support was painted by the manufacturer before it arrived at St. Louis (or AO Smith). The Judging Guides indicate that the original radiator support paint was semi-gloss black. The radiator support is then installed before the underhood blackout process, so much of the semi-gloss black core support would be covered with blackout paint, but since they weren't particularly careful, I suspect areas of the underlying semi-gloss black paint would still be visible.

          About the blackout paint, I have it written in my notes several times that the original underhood blackout paint was flattened black lacquer, the same as used for the wheel wells, and it was "flat to semi-flat, definitely not semi-gloss".

          Is this not correct, or where am I going wrong?

          Yes, the core support was dipped in semi gloss black before installation, and before it arrived at the St Louis plant. (the black ones, anyway) The outer ends would have received more black during the engine compartment blackout process.

          You are correct in that the paint was semi gloss. I think the confusion comes in from the description though. What is the difference between semi gloss and semi flat? Wouldn't they both describe the exact same paint?
          Maybe I'm wrong but I always assumed that semi flat and semi gloss described a paint that was about the same, somewhere between gloss and flat.


          • Dick W.
            Former NCRS Director Region IV
            • June 30, 1985
            • 10483

            Dick Whittington


            • Scott S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 11, 2009
              • 1961

              Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

              Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)

              Yes, the core support was dipped in semi gloss black before installation, and before it arrived at the St Louis plant. (the black ones, anyway) The outer ends would have received more black during the engine compartment blackout process.

              I just remembered a photo in the archives of a 1966 small block C60 radiator support. It was from an AO Smith car, and showed a lot of green zinc-chromate paint along the inboard bottom cross-section, the bottom reinforcements where the radiator (with cushions) seats, and the lower side mount.

              This makes me wonder whether the radiator supports weren't shipped from the manufacturer in primer? If so, then AOS must have sprayed them with green zinc-chromate before installation, and St. Louis painted them semi-gloss black before installation, and then each received varying degrees of semi-flat black paint during the engine bay blackout process?


              • Michael H.
                • January 28, 2008
                • 7477

                Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                Originally posted by Scott Smith (50839)

                I just remembered a photo in the archives of a 1966 small block C60 radiator support. It was from an AO Smith car, and showed a lot of green zinc-chromate paint along the inboard bottom cross-section, the bottom reinforcements where the radiator (with cushions) seats, and the lower side mount.

                This makes me wonder whether the radiator supports weren't shipped from the manufacturer in primer? If so, then AOS must have sprayed them with green zinc-chromate before installation, and St. Louis painted them semi-gloss black before installation, and then each received varying degrees of semi-flat black paint during the engine bay blackout process?

                The supports that were installed at the Smith plant were primed with green zincrom coating. Those installed at the St Louis plant were coated black.That would explain the green peeking through on some supports but not others. That's why I said "the black ones anyway" in my previous post.


                • William C.
                  NCRS Past President
                  • May 31, 1975
                  • 6037

                  Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                  I'd say that is a pretty good assessment.
                  Bill Clupper #618


                  • Scott S.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • September 11, 2009
                    • 1961

                    Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                    Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)
                    I think the confusion comes in from the description though. What is the difference between semi gloss and semi flat? Wouldn't they both describe the exact same paint?
                    Maybe I'm wrong but I always assumed that semi flat and semi gloss described a paint that was about the same, somewhere between gloss and flat.
                    That's a great question. I understand what you mean, that semi-gloss (i.e., half-gloss) ought to be the same as semi-flat (i.e., half-flat). My thinking was that semi-gloss literally emphasized the "gloss" aspect, while semi-flat emphasized the "flat", so that if they were located along a number line, the two would not occupy the same "neutral" position, but be biased toward one end of the spectrum or the other.

                    Probably six of one, half-dozen of the other, from a practical standpoint. I remembered the phrase "definitely not semi-gloss" from previous TDB discussions, so that may have helped create a distinction between them in my thinking.


                    • Scott S.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • September 11, 2009
                      • 1961

                      Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                      Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)
                      That's why I said "the black ones anyway" in my previous post.
                      I caught that, it's what reminded me of the photo with green-zinc chromate in the archives


                      • Michael H.
                        • January 28, 2008
                        • 7477

                        Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                        Originally posted by Scott Smith (50839)
                        That's a great question. I understand what you mean, that semi-gloss (i.e., half-gloss) ought to be the same as semi-flat (i.e., half-flat). .

                        That sounds like a pretty good description. I suppose paint suppliers had to choose something that described a gloss/flat factor/percentage and either semi gloss or semi flat covered it.
                        It would be much easier than trying to describe the actual amount of gloss/flat on the can label.

                        "Somewhere between flat and gloss black".

                        I always felt the ratio of gloss/flat for under hood/engine compartment was about 50%.

                        By the way, I'm pretty sure it was a lacquer base.


                        • Wayne W.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • April 30, 1982
                          • 3605

                          Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                          Before they were installed, St. Louis supports were black and show no green. AOS supports are green and show no black. It appears that they came to the two facilities unpainted and were dipped in black at St. Louis, but primed green at AOS. After installation they were blacked out with the under hood process, however coverages were not total and inconsistent.


                          • Dick W.
                            Former NCRS Director Region IV
                            • June 30, 1985
                            • 10483

                            Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                            Michael, egg shell, flattened to the percentage shown on the chart I posted, has a very low sheen. I always used PPG Deltron w/ PPG DX-685 in it to flatten. The thing I liked it was very easy to duplicate for the next batch.
                            Dick Whittington


                            • John H.
                              Beyond Control Poster
                              • November 30, 1997
                              • 16513

                              Re: C2 core support paint question clarification

                              The radiator supports were stamped and assembled (welded) at the Chevrolet-Indianapolis stamping plant, and shipped raw to St. Louis and to A.O. Smith, where they were flow-coat primed black (St. Louis) and spray-primed green zinc chromate (A.O. Smith).

                              Indianapolis stamped almost all passenger and truck radiator support components, which were welded together at the assembly plants; Corvette was the only car line that received them already assembled.


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